Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

“pollution does not discriminate,” and if a regulating authority had to consider race in its enforcement decision making, it will “indeed participate in racism.”

A federal judge in Louisiana declares a state can not use race as a reason to reject a project which may cause pollution. Stating “’Pollution does not discriminate,’ and that if a regulating authority had to consider race in its enforcement decision making, it will ‘indeed participate in racism.’” The new ruling bars Louisiana from […]

Carbon capture and storage is a fantasy — and taxpayers are footing the bill

A relatively long piece on Carbon Capture by Vox. It does touch on every topic concerning capture and storage. Oil companies sold the public on a fake climate solution — and swindled taxpayers out of billions by Amy Westervelt Vox This spring, Democrats wrapped up a nearly three-year investigation into the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate disinformation […]

what happened to advocacy of a 4% inflation target ?

and of a 3% inflation target? There is some risk of recession in the USA because the FED insists on driving inflation down to 2%.  Oddly back in the naughts when inflation was persistently below the 2% target, there was more discussion of raising the target. Then IMF chief economist discussed it. Paul Krugman advocated […]

AZ – Best Build to Rent Single Family Housing Market

This is a brief introduction to the housing state of affairs in Arizona. It is building up quickly. Builders, declarants, and corporate HOAs have a great swath of control over what is occurring. None of which has controlling input from residents. What I am also seeing in the Planning and Zoning Commissions is ignorance on […]

No Improvements in Delivery Yet from DeJoy’s USPS Plan

Indeed, everything Postmaster DeJoy has done has slowed the USPS even more . . . USPS plans rural slowdown after election to cut costs, The Washington Post ( Top U.S. Postal Service officials are considering plans to allow slower mail delivery in the coming months for long-distance and rural service to cut costs at the […]

Methane, the other greenhouse gas

About 15 years ago, we replaced our electric stove and range, which was breaking, with a gas stove and range. I prefer cooking on gas. In addition to the oven and cooktop, we had a gas furnace, water heater and clothes dryer. To be fair, >80% of the electricity in Missouri at the time was […]

Enforcing a Supreme Court Ethics Code

It is about time, Congress puts in place an ethics code for judges, Justices, and themselves. If you do not believe this is needed, read this: “Supreme Court Justices Accepted Hundreds of Gifts Worth Millions of Dollars,” Angry Bear. All told, the number of gifts FTC identified that were accepted by the current nine, plus […]

Health Care Systems are Starting to Drop Medicare Advantage Plans

Much of this is the result of commercial healthcare gaming the system with pricing. Medicare Advantage can not compete head-to-head with Traditional Medicare much less the VA. VA sent me to Barrows (Arizona) for an issue with my back and right leg. I was going numb and it was painful to walk. So to make […]

Colorado crop fraud

Farming is a risky business. Always has been. A federal program to keep farmers in business during droughts seems like a good idea to me. Sadly, it’s also a target for fraud: “On a normal day, the promising storms produced snow or rain that would fall onto a system of official weather stations at airstrips […]

Book Review with Excerpts

Sailing Alone by Richard J. King Reviewed by one-handed economist David Zetland I read this 2023 book by Richard J. King on the recommendation of LS. It’s all about those sailors who take to the sea alone, with only wind (or muscle power). It’s about the mental and physical challenges, and how technology and society have added […]