Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

An Ideal Neighborhood to Live In . . .

Just to be clear in presentation, everything above “Kareem’s (My) Take” is taken from the New York Magazine (Ed Kilgore). This post is meant to feature Kareem Abdul-Jabars; opinion on what he sees and interprets from the picture (JPeg). I agree with Kareem’s views and subscribe to his site. It is hard to imagine there […]

The SEC and the economics of college sports

I lost interest in football after high school. Although college athletes were ostensibly amateurs, the perks they enjoyed, above and beyond full scholarships, made them more like professionals than your average college student. And there were regular recruiting scandals to back up that perception. Now that all that financial compensation is above board, those “student-athletes” […]

An A1 Price Fixing Dream. You Know It’s There. But You Can’t Prove It.

I spent some time today adding to this piece in the hope of making it clear in explanation. What is occurring is many entities are using software which compares its pricing to what the market will bear. No one knows the others adding their data. However, the end result is what is being charged is […]

Developing the World’s Tallest Timber Tower Again

Milwaukee is developing the world’s tallest timber tower . . . again | CNN Commenter Bob Michaelson recently posted on Joel Eissenberg’s post Getting High on Wood . . . What Bob was pointing to in his comment was Milwaukee, WI build of another Timber Tower skyscraper building type made of wood. Presently, a mass […]