Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Abbreviated Coronavirus dashboard for June 15: tracking the four horsemen of the reopening apocalypse 

Abbreviated Coronavirus dashboard for June 15: tracking the four horsemen of the reopening apocalypse – by New Deal democratThere’s no big economic news out today. So let me follow up on my post Friday about the cost of reopening recklessly coming due. Here is the graph from of the 10 States with the highest per […]

Weekly Indicators for June 8 – 12 at Seeking Alpha

by New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators for June 8 – 12 at Seeking Alpha My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha. The short leading indicators have continued to improve, from awful, to less awful, to merely really bad. But that the NASDAQ briefly made a new high last week, while the S&P was only […]

Naming Forts

It appears possible that the US military will cease to honor traitors and will change the names of bases named after Confederate generals. This raises the question of what new names to give them. This is one of the topics on which I have the very least expertise, so I will make my suggestions. 1) […]

Healthcare for Transgender Americans Endangered by Trump

On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen murdered forty-nine people in a gay night club located in Orlando, Florida in what was to be identified as the Pulse massacre.  Four years later June 12, 2020; the  Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a new final rule to dramatically revise the agency’s […]

Why Trump Is in Trouble

Why Trump Is in Trouble Trump is staggering.  He’s plunging in the polls, and his behavior has become erratic and unhinged.  I don’t mean he’s being crude, infantile and wrapped in a world of fantasy—he’s always like that.  Rather, I see him as suddenly incoherent, fumbling with threats and catchphrases as if he were locked […]

Another Look

Another Look by Ken Melvin In the wake of riots following the Police murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many other Black Americans, and Trump’s earlier installation  the likes of Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr as Attorney General; let US Cities find now to be a particularly good time to look anew at […]

Coronavirus dashboard for June 12: the costs of recklessly reopening begin to come due

Coronavirus dashboard for June 12: the costs of recklessly reopening begin to come due  – by New Deal democrat It is pretty clear now that in general those States (but not all) which left lockdowns the earliest and with the most lax continuing restrictions are suffering renewed outbreaks of the coronavirus, *possibly* in several cases […]

Initial jobless claims decline further, but continuing claims fail to make meaningful progress

Initial jobless claims decline further, but continuing claims fail to make meaningful progress – by New Deal democrat Weekly initial and continuing jobless claims give us the most up-to-date  snapshot of the continuing  economic impacts of the coronavirus to the average worker. Twelve weeks after calamity first struck, the theme remains “less awful.” First, here are […]