Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Efficiency of De Ebil Gubmint Man

I’ve pointed out before that in some areas (here, Medicare), government programs are hugely more efficient and well-run than their private counterparts. I don’t know if this qualifies as one of those, but it does make a very important point that I’ve also made before: Government is not the problem. Bad government is the problem. […]

The oil industry is undergoing a major structural change.

Lifted from comments from this post US to be leading producer of oil is Spencer England’s comment about structural change in the oil markets. Obvious to some but bears repeating for a lot of us, as we discuss environmental issues or gasoline prices in the media more than structural economic impacts: Spencer says: The development […]

Econo blogging

I have written several posts pointing to the role economics blogs play in the media, and am sorting out strengths and weakness to be addressed at Angry Bear in our own content. Nick Rowe  at Worthwhile Canadian Initiative posts Four MC curves and two PPFs.  The comments flesh out the ideas involved in a beginning econ […]

Small businesses, tax cuts, and reporting

 I sometimes get the ‘eyes rolling’ reaction from people in my social sphere when I insist that at least linking to  original documents is important, and that someone needs to follow up on what an author says someone else says (as a way to gain traction and authority status for their own writing, such as […]

Religious freedom, contraception, and law

Lifted from a note from Beverly Mann in response to a query of mine, as a note of interest: Here’s a link to a long Politico article on those cases and on the prospects of their success: Apparently it looks like the Supreme Court eventually will hear two or three of these cases, probably […]

Popularity, influence, and econoblogs…top 21 includes AB

Angry Bear made it to 21st on the list in popularity and influence this time around (I counted). I don’t really know how they determine this in detail, but next time Mrs. Rdan asks why I spend a lot of time blogging, I’ll use it. From Onalytica Indexes: ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIC INDICATORS A small number of […]

US to be leading producer of oil?? What does that mean?

Lifted from a note on energy from Reader rjs comes a link filled narrative on oil and production issues for oil.  He deals with one aspect of drilling for “energy independence”. From reader rjs: Saudi America? The release of this year’s edition of the World Energy Outlook from the IEA (International Energy Agency) received quite a bit […]

Modeling the Wealth, Income, and "Saving" Effects of Redistribution: More is Better?

Update: More expansive discussion of this model with more graphics, here. Update 2: There is a revised and corrected version of the model and spreadsheet here, with discussion. It has long seemed to me that redistribution is, for some reason, necessary for the emergence, continuance, and growth of large, prosperous, modern, high-productivity monetary economies. No such economy […]

The Media’s Role in Driving the "Fiscal Cliff" Imagery

by Linda Beale The Media’s Role in Driving the “Fiscal Cliff” Imagery The mainstream media has been fed a steady diet of releases from interested parties (like right-leaning propaganda tanks) about the need to adopt austerity measures, often cast as needing to save the country from out-of-control spending and unprecedented deficits and debt. At the […]