Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Raising the Price of Pizza 10 to 14 cents. . .

by Bill aka run75441 Raising the Price of Pizza 10 to 14 cents. . . Will pizza and food prices really have to increase to cover healthcare costs for the mostly young employees of the Olive Garden’s, Denny’s, and Papa John’s restaurants? A 10 to 14 cents increase per pizza is being proposed by Papa […]

SOCIAL SECURITY…Sweet Reasonableness and Fact Checkers

by Dale Coberly SOCIAL SECURITYSweet Reasonableness and Fact Checkers Apparently the Big Liars are getting worried about the fact that “Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit.” There have been a flurry of little Big Liars “proving” that in fact SS is a contributor to the Deficit. I am going to try to […]

Links Worth Noting: Stealth (Class) Warfare

by Linda Beale Links Worth Noting: Stealth (Class) Warfare(Op-ed) Paul Krugman, Class Wars of 2012, New York Times (Nov. 30, 2012). When Mitt Romney disparaged ordinary Americans, it was visible, obvious, and clearly an indication of the lack of esteem he held for ordinary Americans. The same arrogance is at work in the class warfare […]

Modeling the Price Mechanism: Simulation and The Problem of Time

Today’s New York Times article on rapid online repricing by holiday retailers depicts a retail world starting to approach the “flash-trading” status of financial markets: Amazon dropped its price on the game, Dance Central 3, to $24.99 on Thanksgiving Day, matching Best Buy’s “doorbuster” special, and went to $15 once Walmart stores offered the game […]

Worst Socialist Ever

Many have noted that under success hating kenyan islamosocialist Barack Obama nominal corporate profits just set a new record.  Uh so what.  A dollar isn’t worth what it used to be worth.  Graphing nominal quantities is silly.  The more interesting points is that the ratio of after tax corporate profits to GDP just set a […]

There are no "per se" tax or spending caps: lame duck negotiations no place for Medicare/Medicaid cuts

 by Linda Beale There are no “per se” tax or spending caps: lame duck negotiations no place for Medicare/Medicaid cuts When George W. Bush got reelected with a minority of the popular vote and contested state counts, the GOP claimed a mandate to keep going with the fiscally irresponsible program of high military spending combined […]

Gigantic journalistic investigation into tax havens

by Kenneth Thomas Gigantic journalistic investigation into tax havens While Mitt Romney may be fading from view in the wake of his defeat on November 6, the issue of tax havens is definitely not following suit. Via the Tax Justice Network, I’ve just learned of a massive, multi-national joint investigation into secrecy jurisdictions by three […]

Health Care Thoughts: EMR Cluster Mess

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: EMR Cluster Mess The 2009 stimulus bill kicked off the process to install electronic medical records (EMR) tied into electronic health records (EHR) networks. The stimulus bill included financial rewards for installing systems and meeting “meaningful use”standards. Couple of problems, with unfair heat aimed at the Centers […]

Does the Minimum Wage Increase Productivity?

This Galbraith article – pointing to Ron Unz’s ongoing good thinking on the topic, got me thinking: If employers are faced with higher wage rates, that gives them more incentive to invest in business capital that 1. makes workers more efficient and productive, and 2. reduces the number of workers they need. Is this incentive […]