Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Big Changes at Capital Gains and Games

I go away for a week and the world collapses. While most of you probably noticed that Russell Brand is available again, the other Major Separation was at Capital Gains and Games, which is now exclusively Stan Collender’s as “principal writer and managing editor.” It is also rebranded “Stan Collender’s Capital Gains and Games.” (The […]

Mike Mandel on productivity and Tyler Cowen on stagnation

Last week Mike Mandel published a very interesting chart as his nominee for the chart of the year. He is using the net investment data to argue that capital spending is much smaller than generally assumed. Standard thinking is that since the early 1980s capital spending has been booming and despite cyclical swings real business […]

The Peltzman Effect: Why Economic Growth Has Slowed in the US Over Time

by Mike Kimel (Update: Naked Capitalism notes Mike’s post is the top read of the day in ‘links’) In recent years, there have been a number of studies showing that generational income mobility is particularly low in the US. To quote this 2006 study by Tom Hertz: By international standards, the United States has an […]