Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Politics and specific policies

by Robert Waldmann At Frum forum Justin Green extensively quotes Jeb Golonkin on how conservatism could be much better if conservatives made specific policy proposals.  Sad but true, almost all of the proposals that have been signed into law are by Barack Obama.  This is not a rare event.  While many conservatives stick to slogans, […]

Via Barry Ritholtz’s  Big Picture comes this PBS six minute video on why health care costs so much. Watch Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

Wages, prices, "profit", and productivity…and Black Friday too

Black Friday around here in New England begins to night in stores about 8 P.M. On the internet Black Friday’s discounts began last week as the competition heats up between companies with stores and internet based sales. Stores have responded with aggressive discounts, especially visible is Walmart. This post is relevant to the issue of […]

Thanks from a reader to Bears

Mr. Dan, When I started reading Angry Bear I was working as a technical editor (degree in English) and had zero knowledge of economics, but I was watching the (to me) economic weirdness going on in the 2000’s, and started reading economics blogs in a mostly vain attempt to discover what the heck was going […]

It’s No Wonder People Don’t Understand the "Public" Debt

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook: I started to explain it, but realized that the standard usage is wildly screwy and confusing for any normal human, and decided to explain it here instead. The problem is that even in standard economists’ usage, “public” is used in two different ways: 1. “Public” debt: debt […]

Angry Bear to have new look and more resources for readers

Angry Bear to have new look and more resources for readers Sometime later in the next month Angry Bear will have a new look to offer to readers as we switch from Blogger platform to the more versatile WordPress platform.  I hope to be posting with quick looks at different aspects of our redesign and explain new features that will […]

Jack Cummings, General Utilities Repeal, and Treasury’s Rollover

by Linda Beale Jack Cummings, General Utilities Repeal, and Treasury’s Rollover Jack Cummings (aka Jasper L. Cummings, Jr.) writes in the November 12, 2012 Tax Notes at 797-808 about “The Demise of the Liquidation-Incorporation Doctrine.”  This is a must-read not only for corporate-tax policy wonks, but also for those who want to understand at least […]