Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Inflation Detour: Trimmed Mean PCE

Today’s release by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas of October’s Trimmed Mean Personal Consumption Expenditure gives us a chance to check this “alternative measure of core inflation.” The clearest thing is that it does what the FRB Dallas intends: generally reduces the measure of inflation: For the graphic above, any value above the line […]

Bashing Reagan on Social Security: Don’t Go There

by Bruce Webb News that the Republicans are pushing two bills that would establish a ‘Bi-Partisan Commission’ to ‘reform’ Social Security and Medicare are stirring up a debate which mostly had run cold. And one myth is bubbling back to the surface, the one that claims that Reagan simply used the Greenspan Commission to generate […]

Comparative Effectiveness Research

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) may have inadvertently lost credibility even before health care reform is actually launched. CER is the darling of the government-dominated health reform movement (not a government take-over, to be clear). The use of evidence-based medicine when combined with cost-benefit analysis has the potential to save a […]

Inflation and Expectations

Ken Houghton follows up on his previous post. One of the few honest statements that came out of the Reagan Administration was in late 1982, when the Volcker policies were working but the market was still spooked. “People expect that inflation will be higher than it will be.” The above compares the University of Michigan’s […]

China’s Industrial Policy vs. US Random Behavior…Firedoglake

Rdan Firedoglake presents a well written piece on US and Chinese trade policy: China’s Industrial Policy vs. US Random Behavior The U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission has issued its annual report {giant .pdf}. Robert Borosage of the Campaign for America’s Future hosted a conference call for the Co-Chair of the Commission, Carolyn Bartholomew, […]

Taxes and Private Sector

by cactus Regular readers know that (together with a currently un-named co-author) I recently wrote a book looking at how Presidents performed on a wide range of issues, everything from abortion to the economy. The book is currently scheduled to come out next year (more info as it becomes available), and I’m playing with ideas […]

Reform: Looking at the Glass Half-Full, Part 2

November 12, 2009Reform: Looking at the Glass Half-Full Part 2   by Maggie Mahar, Health Beat Blog Reform: Looking at the Glass Half-Full, Part 2 The Truth about the Public Option For reasons I don’t understand, progressive pundits have been swallowing Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf’s dispiriting speculation about the public plan, hook, line and […]


Rdan Pragmatic capitalist points us to thinking that works for some. The strategy outlook at JP Morgan is little changed over the last week despite some sobering news out of the labor department last Friday. The bad news on jobs is no longer a surprise to investors and history has shown that past jobless recoveries […]

Photographing Phantom Invisible Bond Vigilantes

Robert Waldmann A specter is haunting Paul Krugman — it is the specter of apparently sophisticated forecasters who predict a huge spike in US long term bond rates in the near future. He notes that most investors can’t believe this or rates would already be high. He also notes that some of those who are […]