Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Top down or bottom up models….useful thoughts

Rdan Hat tip to Economist’s View for the post from Top-down versus bottom-up macroeconomics, by Paul De Grauwe, Commentary, Vox EU for starting an interesting conversation on macro that I think is very relevant to the public story we tell ourselves about how our economy works. One key point is the nature of central planning […]

Template woes

My apologies for the inconvenience of changing the template. Even feed links were changed about in the transfer. Since the posts are intact, my first priority is fixing comments with js kit (and blogger comments for new). Dan

The Mythology of the Future Job Market

Rdan Martin Ford continues his thoughts on: The Mythology of the Future Job Market Angry Bear recently picked up an article by Michael Lind at Salon on the jobs of tomorrow. The story notes that advancing job automation technology is going to be the primary force that will shape the future job market. That’s something […]

Industrial Production

By Spencer Industrial production only increased 0.1% in October, from a previosly estimated 98.5 to 98.6.But I suspect this number was biased downward and will be revised higher. As the chart shows, this changes the impression the previous reports had given that this was a normal to strong recovery in industrial output to one that […]

Part of the Problem Becomes Part of the Solution

Moody’s had always assumed banks and their securities were “Too Big to Fail.” Not any more: Moody’s Investors Service will no longer assume that holders of the securities will benefit from government support to shore up troubled lenders, after the global financial crisis proved this wasn’t the case, Moody’s said in an e-mailed statement today. […]

ER: It is the law, and often a slogan "Everyone can get care"

Rdan Not only is ER care enormously expensive for ‘more routine’ health concerns than a clinic, but perhaps are not equal for insure/uninsured even for traffic accidents, not withstanding our best wishes. Sphere notes a report from the Archives of Surgery: It’s federal law: All seriously injured emergency and trauma patients must be given equal […]