Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Two Things Someone Else Needs to Discuss

Since I’m trying to cut a 24-page paper down closer to 15 today, I’ll leave the Heavy Lifting to other. But two things probably should be discussed (or at least noted) here: Brad DeLong appears (to me) to confuse perceiving a move from Democratic Republic to Empire—and therefore away from any Competitive Advantage for the […]

A Quick One: Inflationary Credit Recession Strategies

Tom’s doing some heavy lifting, PGL is in form, Bruce has started SocSec 101, and the entire economics blogsphere is having so many conniptions over Hillary that you’d think the CEA was actually the Shadow Government. So I just want start easy, and take a look at three easy-to-compare data points:First, the Federal Funds target […]

Imported Inflation ?

The NY Times had a very good article on inflationary pressure from Asia this morning. The article was titled Asian Inflation Begins to Sting US Shoppers. It did a very good job of giving information about how inflationary pressures were driving prices higher in Asia and correctlypointed out that it was showing up in US […]


Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Just to put things in perspective, the inflation rate was 4.4%, the same as it is right now, when Nixon imposed price controls in 1971. P.S. He knew the inflation rate was slowing. But he imposed price controls as part of his package to […]