Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Romney’s Wall St. J. Interview with Gigot–Protecting the Rich

Romney’s Wall St. J. Interview with Gigot–Protecting the Rich [edited to rephrase and correct typos 12/26/11 5 pm] Joseph Rago and Paul Gigot interviewed Mitt Romney on his ‘vision’ for America–“On Taxes, ‘Modeling’, and the Vision Thing”, Wall St. J. Dec. 23-24, 2011, at A13.  In it, Romney reveals the way patrician wealth has affected his […]

The right’s nutty claims about job creation–Gingrich and the estate tax

by Linda Beale The right’s nutty claims about job creation–Gingrich and the estate tax The right is busy selling its program for enriching the rich to the working class.  As usual, the sales pitches are full of false and nutty claims pitched to fool hard workers who are uninformed about the facts. Newt Gingrich, for […]

Estate Tax comparisons

by Linda Beale Friday Animations–Estate Taxcrossposted with Ataxingmatter[now updated to provide the animation feature–thanks to Steve Cook, at the Cook law firm, available here and Ataxingmatter] Well, not exactly an animation, but Estate tax attorney Douglas A. Cook has a chart on the Federal Estate Tax 2001-2011 (linked from the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof […]

Real Ryan Roadmap: Tax Freedom for Billionaires

by Bruce Webb The Ryan Budget Roadmap was introduced in January, and then sank like a stone. But with Ryan’s appointment to the Catfood Commission it and its author have drawn some new attention which borders on fawning. Or at least part of the plan has drawn attention, that part which would privatize Social Security […]

What caused the Budget Deficit (Before the Financial Crisis)?

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter What caused the Budget Deficit (Before the Financial Crisis)? Kash on Angry Bear put together a really good graph in 2006 comparing where we might have been if Clinton policies (bad as they were in many cases) had stayed in place compared to where we were and expected to be […]

Kyl continues working for the ultra wealthy

by Linda Bealefor the complete post go to Ataxingmatter Estate Tax–Kyl continues working for the ultra wealthy Jon Kyl doesn’t think much about the government helping the unemployed who have been laid off because of the financial crisis, triggered by greedy excesses at the nation’s biggest banks and mortgage lenders. He’s afraid that providing additional […]

New Year’s Tax Resolutions

by Linda Beale A quote from Amartya Sen, and my New Year’s Tax Resolutions (for Congress and the Obama Administration) The time between December 30 and January 4 seems to be filled with lists. Along with the ever-present list of “to dos” that haven’t been done and still are hanging around waiting for our attention, […]

More on the Estate Tax

by Linda Beale (cross posted with ataxingmatter) Tax Prof and its commenters More on the Estate Tax–the Heritage Foundation speaks gobbledygookhat tip to Tax Prof and its commenters The Heritage Foundation, I’m afraid I’ve concluded, is not a “think tank” at all–it’s a propaganda tank. And the propaganda it spews tends to be in support […]

Kornhauser’s Tax Literacy Project–about time

edited 072909 to correct link for giving online, by Linda Beale One of my big gripes (in case you haven’t noticed) is the ease with which ordinary Americans can be fooled about tax issues by organizations, often ones with greedy purposes of furthering their own interests in lower taxes for themselves, that publish misleading or […]