Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Mind of the market…

Cactus’s thoughts on taxes got me to thinking about trade, and the purpose of trade. Behavioral economists tried this experiment with people in face to face trade situations. Of course it is not definitive of anything, but it does point up a huge flaw in the economics of today. …that “Economic Man” is rational, self-maximizing […]


People have inquired about losing track of comments from older posts on Angry Bear, or lose track of the occasional comment but want to keep track of responses. Cocomments service allows you to track comments from old posts and tell you about new responses. For some who visit multiple blogs and leave comments, you might […]

Martial law declared for… ‘other condition’

This editorial reminds us of the great increase in federal power regarding coercive force (also aid with guns). Section 1076 of the Defense Authorization Act of 2006 changed the name of the key provision in the statute book from “Insurrection Act” to “Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order Act.” The Insurrection Act of […]

Earned Income Tax Credit

Greg Mankiw, Robert Stein, and others have been pushing the EITC lately. What is that all about? Efficiency? Best income redistribution mechanism? Leading edge to some other goal? This is in addition to the steady beat of Walker and others to conflate entitlements such Medicare,Medicade,and Social Security into a single problem.END

The Downside of Increased Trade

Save the Rustbelt sends this note working the end user as a reference, which is useful sometimes. The Downside of Increased Trade My wife, aka the world’s greatest nurse, worked this weekend. She spent a great deal of her time trying to track down enough Heparin to keep a patient alive this week. This is […]

G W Bush’s successful Presidency

William Pitt reminds us to keep the following in mind during this election: It has been more than ten years now since PNAC first introduced itself by way of its letter to Clinton. Over this decade, PNAC’s ideology and foreign policy mandates became the center of gravity for America’s military and diplomatic practices and priorities. […]

Experiment: How would you advise Sen. Clinton?

Twice now in this political session we have had the opportunity to move beyond the Carl Rove/Frank Luntz school and system of communication. The first was Sen. Obama’s speech on race. The second is this current statement discussed in PGL’s post. I understand the current structure of our MSM and their strategy to earning viewers […]

Iraq and Iran

… President Bush reiterated yesterday that if Iran continues to help militias in Iraq, “then we’ll deal with them,” saying in an interview with ABC News that “we’re learning more about their habits and learning more about their routes” for infiltrating or sending equipment. But he also reaffirmed that he has no desire to go […]

US Legislators Profiting from War? Say it ain’t so, Joe

Seems it’s not just the executive branch and their friends that have “invested” in this war. From IPS comes a news article about the money invested by our legislators. Members of Congress invested nearly 196 million dollars of their own money in companies that receive hundreds of millions of dollars a day from Pentagon contracts […]

Shop til you drop due diligence

This article describes the recent history of corn flour for tortillas in Mexico. I looked it up after Stormy’s recent post on Wages and prices. By 1996, Maseca had drawn the attention of Archer Daniels Midland, the world’s largest corn broker. Itself no stranger to government largesse, ADM spotted a good business model from across […]