Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Another Meme Busted beyond Repair

Brad DeLong sends us to Rex Nutting at MarketWatch: U.S. nonfarm payrolls plunged by an astonishing 533,000 in November, the worst job loss in 34 years, the Labor Department reported Friday. It’s only the fourth time in the past 58 years that payrolls have fallen by more than 500,000 in a month. Since the recession […]

Small and big boxes

rdan My sentiments about buying locally translate to where I spend my dollars…there is room for both small business and big boxes, but we all vote with dollars. If not careful, I sometimes forget the paint returned at no charge, or the thoughtful advice and knowledge from the local paint and wallpaper store, or the […]

Tax law and suspension

ataxingmatter Linda Beale makes a statement: The International Banking Association wants more tax goodies from Uncle Sam–for branches of foreign banks. The idea seems to be that anything that has been done for domestic banks ought to be available to them too–even when it is Treasury’s decision not to enforce a clear statement of Congress […]

The Smartest Morons in the Room

by cactus The Smartest Morons in the Room Back when Enron imploded, I was wondering to myself about the motivation of some of the players. I can understand the greed and fraud, and the looking aside when fraud was being perpetrated. I like to believe that I would never get caught up in that, but […]


rdan SEC. 125. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT PANEL.(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is hereby established the CongressionalOversight Panel (hereafter in this section referred to asthe ‘‘Oversight Panel’’) as an establishment in the legislative branch.(b) DUTIES.—The Oversight Panel shall review the current stateof the financial markets and the regulatory system and submitthe following reports to Congress:(1) REGULAR REPORTS.—(A) IN GENERAL.—Regular reports […]

Following the money

rdan The NYT describes the beginning role of the committee and chairman Elizabeth Warren to follow the money, in addition to GAO report. …“You can’t just say, ‘Credit isn’t moving through the system,’ ” she said in her first public comments since being named to the panel. “You have to ask why.” If the answer […]

Cactus asks about Passing on Corporate Taxes to Consumers

by cactus Passing on Corporate Taxes to Consumers and the Bail-Out There seems to be relatively irrational belief among many conservatives that corporate taxes are simply passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. It leaves out the obvious – if companies felt they could simply raise prices, they’d do it whether there […]

Group appointments to the doctor

Another health story by the Boston Globe gives new meaning to the term group practice: When Dr. Gene Lindsey arrived to see his 4 p.m. appointment on a recent Thursday, his nine patients already were seated on folding chairs arranged in a semicircle around a table of snacks. Lindsey, a cardiologist, shook each patient’s hand, […]

Spreading the wealth of blame – Thomas Friedman

hat tip radamisto NYT notes: …using Citigroup as Exhibit A — how some of our country’s best-paid bankers were overrated dopes who had no idea what they were selling, or greedy cynics who did know and turned a blind eye. But it wasn’t only the bankers. This financial meltdown involved a broad national breakdown in […]

I’d like to refinance, please.

In one of the stupidest wastes of Treasury monies this month—a major accomplishment, though AIG hasn’t hit the trough again yet, so there might be hope—the Treasury wants to subsidize new mortgages (link to CR): Under the plan, Treasury would buy securities underpinning loans guaranteed by the two mortgage giants, which are temporarily under the […]