Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Bonuses paid in mortgage backed securities

rdan(h/t reader mcwop) Clusterstock points a how to handle bonuses in an interesting way. We’re shocked that nobody has suggested this before, but on its face this looks like a great idea… Credit Suisse announced today that bonuses for its top executives would be made in illiquid, mortgage-backed securities. Seeing as these guys are responsible […]

Programming Note

Ken Houghton We’re off for two weeks in a foreign country, and internet access may be limited in the Great State of New Jersey, so—just in case in can’t find a way to pity sadly the University of Chicago’s Business School curriculum (yes, there’s an is-McMegan-is-being-obtuse-or-is-she-stupid post someone has to write; I’ll trust that someone […]

Global Warming Research Datapoint

I’m staring at my car, which survived the past six NJ winters without looking much the worse for wear. At least compared to today. Data research question of the Day: Any way to get data on the number of car washes done in the winter in, say, the latitude of the lower Rustbelt over the […]

The tragedy of the ratings.

Robert Waldmann Waxes poetic about the lost credibility of the AAA rating. For possible comic value I share my reflections. What went wrong with the ratings agencies ? I think the central problem is that the ratings agencies long provided a service of immense value to society, and were paid a tiny fraction of that […]

FYI – labor contracts by auto company

by reader Movie Guy It might be helpful to read the 2007 contracts negotiated between the UAW and GM, Ford, Chrysler. Recommend reading the highlights if not the contracts. Might improve the discussions on this matter. GM-UAW Labor Contract – 2007 UAW presentation UAW-GM 2007 Contract GM presentation UAW-GM 2007 Contract Ford-UAW Labor Contract – […]

Swapping currencies

rdan RGE Monitor notes this aspect of currency trading. (May require subscription for the full article) Dec 12: South Korea and Japan have agreed to increase an existing unconditional KRW-JPY swap arrangement to $20bn from $3b effective until April 2009. This supplements a $10b agreement that can be used in times of crisis.China and South […]

We have become so efficient that we now have an enormous trade deficit.

rdan (part of e-mail communications lifted for the idea) “Although the share of manufacturing employment has steadily fallen over time, the share of manufacturing output (to total output) has been remarkably stable over the same period. Labor productivity growth in manufacturing over this period can explain the falling employment share and the constant output share.” […]