Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Medicare advantage. Advantage Democrats

Robert Waldmann OK so Snowe has broken with the other Republicans. After a heated hour-long exchange, Democrats defeated a Republican effort to restore $113 billion in funding for Medicare Advantage, a private insurance program that has been criticized for high costs. All 13 Democrats on the committee were joined by one Republican, Sen. Olympia J. […]

New Bear

Noni Mausa has agreed to become the latest ‘Bear’ who will contribute on a regular basis to Angry Bear. Her wit and gracious style as a professional writer (and poet) are familiar to regulars, but she has been captured for now as a contributor. An addition of spice to the mix. Welcome to another really […]

Short, non-CGI Subjects

Ken Houghton notes that Stanford Professor and “Taylor Rule” founder John Taylor is blogging. (No RSS or Atom feed yet.) His charts are better than this one looks, though his data is clearly GIGO. (See the link at his post.) This blog was included as one of the 100 Best Blogs for Econ Students by […]

CGI 2: Opening Ceremony / Initial Plenary Session (1 of 2)

This one’s going to be long because a lot of general themes get presented. Those looking for the shorter version may want to just go to the website and watch the videos.* William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) introduces the proceedings by giving a background on the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). CGI began in 2005, and required […]

CGI 1: Barry O. coming soon to a room somewhat near me

The one thing that got both daughters excited last night was “You’re going to see the President!” Didn’t have the heart to tell them it would probably be from a separate room. And, indeed, space upstairs maxed one. It’s 3:40; Barack H. Obama is scheduled to speak in about twenty minutes, though I might bet […]

Brad’s Draft Lecture

Robert Waldmann Brad DeLong just posted a very interesting Draft Henry George lecture. It contains ideas which I haven’t found written down before by Brad or by Krugman. I strongly recommend reading it (for one thing I don’t know how to cut and paste from it). People who have read the draft lecture are invited […]

Free, freer, and trade…what flavor cool aid?

rdan Trade policy and actual trade are related but different matters. This post from last year caught my eye, partly due to the discussion on tires from China. While any blog post has to be simplified due to the nature of a short post and comment format, such discussion at times seems amazingly simplified beyond […]


It’s true that I have been a bit nastier than usual with some posts (especially this one and this one—though the latter was rather justified by preceding events, as Tom detailed.) The sight of economists who should know better saying “Ewww, tariffs” in the manner of second grade boys who think girls have “cooties” is […]

Why didn’t CDO purchasers just pool for themselves ?

Robert Waldmann One brief question about structured finance and a possible answer. Why did investors need financial operators to make pools for them ? Now it is easier to make sense of financial intermediaries which pool than of those which pool and tranche. The obvious explanation is that an investor investing a small amount of […]