Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

CBO Releases 2014 Long Term Budget Outlook

2014 Long Term Budget Outlook (pdf 64pp) While we are still waiting on the 2014 Social Security Report we do have today the release of CBO’s annual Budget Outlook which among other parts does include a chapter on Social Security. I plan to extract and post some Tables from it but in the meantime people […]

Stopping Job Piracy in Dayton, Denver,… and maybe even Kansas City

As I have reported before, job piracy is a big problem in metropolitan areas like New York City and Kansas City. Giving subsidies to relocate existing facilities is a net loss for the country and for the region as well. The flip side is that the existence of job piracy makes it possible for companies […]

Corporate Illogic

Yves smith writes: You must go, now, and read a critically important piece questioning the logic of sending American manufacturing jobs offshore. It’s titled Losing Sparta (hat tip Dikaios Logos) by Ester Kaplan in VQR. We have written regularly about how we have been repeatedly told by managers and executives that the case for offshoring […]

Conceptualizing Effective Demand with Productive Capacity

“… the fundamental law of capitalism must be: If workers have more money, businesses have more customers.” Nick Hanauer Keynes wrote that insufficient effective demand could “bring the increase of employment to a standstill before a level of full employment has been reached”. We may have this problem. So… What is effective demand? I base […]

Is Euphoria a moral hazard?

Lance Roberts has a piece called Not Seeing Signs of Market Exuberance? Look Closer. He talks about the psychology of gamblers to expect winning even when the news is bad. He makes the connection to the stock market that traders keep pushing the market higher in spite of less-than-good news. He then makes the connection […]

Flows From Unemployment to Employment & Extended Unemployment Insurance

I was not surprised to learn that conservatives assert that the recent increase in the growth of employment and reduction in unemployment are due to the failure to extend extended unemployment insurance. The headline labor force statistics have changed in the direction they predicted. Steve Benen noted the argument and linked to counter arguments by […]