Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Utterly Terrible GOP Tax “Reform” Scam

The Utterly Terrible GOP Tax “Reform” Scam The Republicans in the House and Senate continue on their downhill rush to pass their so-called “tax reform” plan before the holiday break.  It’s a mad rush to nowhere, a corrupt process of “please the oligarch” that will cause a huge deficit increase (on the scale of $1 […]

October JOLTS report: a good post-hurricane rebound

October JOLTS report: a good post-hurricane rebound The August and September hurricanes continue to make their impacts felt in the economic data.  Yesterday’s JOLTS report for October, like the October and November jobs reports, shows a rebound from those impacts.  The best way to look at the data is to average the last two months […]

The wage – debt deflation dynamic and the next recession

 The wage – debt deflation dynamic and the next recession One of the important dynamics why recessions end is that inflation decelerates more than wage growth. Thus, for the 90% or so of people who still have jobs, there are some compelling bargains, enough to jumpstart more spending. That all gets short-circuited if wages actually […]

Sharing the wealth

Via the International Monetary Fund: Income inequality among people around the world has been declining in recent decades. But the news is not all good. Inequality within many countries has increased, particularly in advanced economies. In addition to income inequality, wealth inequality—what you have accumulated, as opposed to what you earn—is closely related, and reflects differences in […]

Americans and debt…

Lifted from comments Denis Drew points us to: Americans are drowning in debt. Here’s where they have it the worst. By Christopher Ingraham, December 8 at 1:58 PM “Nationwide the data shows that 33 percent of Americans hold debt that is currently in collection. The median amount of debt in collections is $1,450.” “At […]

“Congressional Leaders Signal They Intend to Kick the Can Down the Road on CHIP” Again

A Little History of the legislator who wrote the bill: Chair of the House Appropriations Committee since 2017, Rodney Frelinghuysen’s campaigns have been funded by the aerospace, defense, pharmaceutical and health care industries. On domestic issues, he opposes legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, and federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. He endorsed Donald Trump […]

Holy crap! What me worry?

Politico points to major tax cut headaches to come: Other issues arise from the fact that lawmakers are mostly skipping the custom of having a transitional period between current tax rules and the new ones, in order to give the public time to adjust to the changes. The House bill also includes a whole new […]

Stop talking affordable water and start talking poverty

David Zetland writes at Aguanomics Stop talking affordable water and start talking poverty Circle of Blue published this long, aggravating article of the efforts of activists, water managers and (far too many consultants) to “find a compromise” on the price of water that will cover system costs without “burdening the poor.” Let me solve this […]

An astute progressive critique of the Trump Administration from … CNBC?!?

An astute progressive critique of the Trump Administration from … CNBC?!? John Harwood of that well known lefty outlet, …. ummm, CNBC …. writes this morning that “Trump has Forgotten his ‘Forgotten People’:” He forgot them on health care. Jettisoning his campaign pledge to “take care of everybody” regardless of income, he proposed cutting federal health […]

The single item most responsible for the decline in manufacturing has been the Republican tax cuts

Lifted from comments, Spencer England says: What Reagan managed to accomplish was to turn the US from the worlds largest creditor nation into the worlds largest debtor nation. Why don’t people see that the expanded deficit will reduce savings and expand the savings-investment gap which is equal to the current account deficit? So crowding-out works […]