Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Cutting Taxes in Louisiana

Along similar lines as what Kansas has been doing with its budget for education, Louisiana has been cutting in favor of doling out large tax cuts and credits for business getting in return little if any economic impact. While A&E’s Duck Dynasty receives ~$330,000/episode from the state, Louisiana State University is preparing for additional budget […]

Whats the Matter with Education in Kansas?

Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell opined an example of what could happen in 2016 if the Republicans win by featuring what is happening with education in Kansas after another $51 million in cuts. A recent letter by 17-year-old junior at Smoky Valley High School Haeli Maas to Governor Brownback cuts to the chase of it. To […]

Civil Disobedience and the Mailman

Reposted from Save The Post Office edited and administered by Steve Hutkins, a literature professor who teaches “place studies” at the Gallatin School of New York University. run75441: Tampa Bay News notes “96 percent of people think that Something Should Be Done about reducing the influence of money in politics. Only 9 percent think that […]

Warren Answers Obama

“’We cannot afford a trade deal that undermines the government’s ability to protect the American economy,’ Warren said in the letter, also signed by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.).” In a later email to her supporters: “‘The government doesn’t want you to read this massive new trade agreement. It’s top secret,’ […]

Hughes on First?

Sandwichman cross post taken from Econospeak Have to admit, the spectre of mailman flying a gyrocopter onto the lawn of the Capitol building appeals to the Sandwichman’s weakness for eccentric idealists. From the Tampa Bay Times, here is the letter that Doug Hughes was delivering to 535 members of both houses of Congress. Dear ___________, […]

The Continued Demise of Detroit Under Governor Snyder and Michigan

Naked Capitalism has an article The Continuing Depopulation of Detroit on Detroit which I attempted to answer. No one cause can be assigned to answer what happened to Detroit since 1950 and well before the first black Mayor was elected. I attempted to put this into perspective. This is not an easy and nor will […]


I live in Michigan, a state which felt in its infinite Republican legislator wisdom it was important to remove all input from the cities, counties, and townships and leave the industry unfettered with any controlling influence. For those who are worried about capitalism and free enterprise if you own the land, there is such a […]