Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Plouffe Vs Sperling, Krugman etc

As I’m sure all Angry Bear readers know, there is a debate within the Obama administration on whether to try to maybe do something about unemployment. To recap Obama has been talking about reducing the deficit which might ideally have no effect (if the reductions were far enough in the future) or which would make […]

Convincing ?

Try to think of times when someone has convinced you of something. It is oddly hard. I think a key reason is that we change our minds when we are not thinking about an issue. I read decades ago the report by I don’t know who that he regularly noticed that his opinions on eg […]

Good Thing I Read the Post

Ken writes that Ezra Klein has turned into a Fred Hiatt Jr. I was inclined to differ. As evidence, I considered linking to To govern responsibly, the White House will need to negotiate like Republicans That doesn’t sound like Hiatt. Then I got to the policy proposal The White House should announce that it won’t […]

House Server Update

National Journal Reports When President Obama told Americans to contact their representatives to show support for his debt-ceiling plan, the response was so strong it knocked out several websites for leading GOP House members. National Journal checks at 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. of websites for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, House Majority Whip Kevin […]

Let’s do this again soon

Republicans are crazier than I imagine possible even taking into account the fact that they are crazier than I imagine possible. Concept due to Brad Delong It appears that the debt ceiling deal under consideration includes $ 1 trillion in cuts, no tax increases and setting up a committee to pretend that there will be […]

Republicans fed up with Republicans

The latest Washington Post ABC poll has some dramatic results ” Even among Republicans, 58 percent see the GOP as too resistant to a deal, up from 42 percent in March. In the new poll, fully 50 percent of conservative Republicans and “strong” tea party supporters say the GOP leadership is too unwilling to make […]

Just When I Thought it was Safe to Click a Headline

I just couldn’t resist clicking “Bank of America to pay $8.5 billion settlement over mortgages”. Finally the Bankers are paying for destroying the economy. My enthusiasm rapidly faded as I read the article. Then I read “Shares of Bank of America Corp. jumped more than 4 percent, or 48 cents to $11.30 before the market […]

Get the Lead Out II

There is an absolutely serious hypothesis that the sharp drop in violent crime in the USA since the early 1990s is due to the EPA and, in particular, to the shift from leaded to unleaded gasoline roughly two decades earlier. Kevin Drum notes that James Q. Wilson ascribes about half of the total decline to […]