Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The Historical Relationship Between the Economy and the S&P 500, Part 3: The S&P 500 and the Employment to Population Ratio

by Mike Kimel The Historical Relationship Between the Economy and the S&P 500, Part 3: The S&P 500 and the Employment to Population Ratio A few weeks ago, I had two posts looking at the relationship between the S&P 500 and real GDP (Part 1 and Part 2). The first post noted that using data […]

It’s not about regulating markets, after all! It’s about regulating the individual!

by Beverly Mann Ah! It’s not about regulating markets, after all! It’s about regulating the individual! ATLANTA — In perhaps the weightiest of the dozens of challenges to the Obama health care law, a panel of appellate judges grappled Wednesday with the essential quandary of the case: if the federal government can require Americans to […]

Markets and the ACA: Why the Supreme Court Will Uphold the ACA

by Beverly Mann The link to the ACA litigation blog article I discuss is here . ‘Markets’ and the ACA: Why the Supreme Court Will Uphold the ACA In my post last week about the activity/inactivity canard on which the challengers to the constitutionality of the ACA claim, I wrote: In his [blog] post, [high-profile […]

The Medicare Sky Is Falling

by run75441 “The Medicare Sky Is Falling” Chicken Little, Courtesy of “EW.Com Entertainment Weekly” A recently released Medicare Trustees report detailing the insolvency of Medicare HI has been used by conservatives and supporting news media to call again for an overhaul or privatization of Medicare to save healthcare for those on Medicare. “The gravest threat […]

House Republicans propose Social Security opt-out

It was bound to happen… House Republicans propose Social Security opt-out by Pete Kasperowicz – House Republicans on Friday introduced legislation that would allow workers to partially opt out of Social Security immediately, and fully opt out after 15 years. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-NY), who chairs the National Republican Congressional Committee, and several other Republicans […]

Predicting Recessions, The Great Stagnation, and Will There Be a Double Dip?

by Mike Kimel Predicting Recessions, The Great Stagnation, and Will There Be a Double Dip? There’s a lot of talk about a double dip recession these days. I don’t think there’s a precise definition of a double dip recession, but I think if there was it would be something like this: “a recession, followed by […]

Simon Johnson has an excellent post

by Mike Kimel An excellent post by Simon Johnson. The managing director of the IMF is the impresario of any bailout. The big decisions must be negotiated with all significant stakeholders but this still leaves enormous scope for discretion. If Ms. Lagarde becomes managing director she can directly influence the terms of IMF involvement – […]

Congressional Progressive Caucus People’s Budget beats Ryan’s corporatist budget by a long shot

by Linda Beale Congressional Progressive Caucus People’s Budget beats Ryan’s corporatist budget by a long shot, but doesn’t get media coverage FAIR has a good point on the way the media have covered the US budget debates. Fact is, the radical right wing budget proposed by radical right Ryan gets lots of coverage. FAIR noted […]