Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Home Values: Delusional Buyers, Bank Squeezers and Zillow

by Mike Kimel Home Values: Delusional Buyers, Bank Squeezers and Zillow Via Barry Ritholtz, a link to a post at Time Moneyland post which led to a post at the Zillow blog: Zillow recently compared the asking price of 1 million for-sale homes with those homes’ previous purchase price, then factored in the change in […]

Not Scarcity, But Surplus is the Problem

Not Scarcity, But Surplus is the Problem (Just as Dismal, though) by Noni Mausa, lifted from comments at Economist’s View They were discussing scarcity last week at Economist’s View. But to my mind scarcity isn’t our core problem. I wrote (and then edited a bit for this post): ======= Yes, scarcity of resources is fundamental […]

Health Care Thoughts: Draft Exchange Rules Published

Health Care Thoughts: Draft Exchange Rules Published The Obama administration has published draft rules for the formation and operation of Affordable Insurance Exchanges, a key element in the PPACA (Obamacare) plan to increase insurance coverage. There is a 75 day comment and then more time to digest the comments before final rules are issued. Implementation […]

Texas, the jobs engine? Or Texas, the jobs-laundering engine?

by Beverly Mann Update: Business journalist Merrill Goozner has a terrific in-depth deconstruction of the so-called Texas Miracle at TheFiscalTimes, at Perry’s Texas Miracle less than meets the eye, published last Friday. Texas, the jobs engine? Or Texas, the jobs-laundering engine? An op-ed piece mentioned by a reader two weekends ago in the LA Times, […]

A Post: Tax Burdens, Presidents, and Subsequent Economic Growth – A Few Pictures, Part

by Mike Kimel A Post: Tax Burdens, Presidents, and Subsequent Economic Growth – A Few Pictures, Part 1 Last week I had a post looking at the relationship between the change in the tax burden in the first two years of a Presidential administration and the growth of real GDP during the remaining years of […]