Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Perry’s Flat Tax and other "bold reform" ideas in context of the richer 1%

by Linda Beale Perry’s Flat Tax and other “bold reform” ideas in context of the richer 1% The hard right candidates of the GOP are competing to set forth plans that demonstrate their utter and complete loyalty to the right’s  “make the rich richer and make businesses less accountable” economic program. This program involves the tired […]

Linda Beale on NH Public Radio…flat tax is back

The Flat Tax is Back Moderated by  Laura Knoy on Wednesday, October 26, 2011(follow link) Quote:“In past presidential cycles, the idea of fixing the tax code by charging everyone the same rate has caught on like wildfire, only to die out later. This Presidential election season, candidates Herman Cain Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich are promoting flat […]

Perry’s Flat Tax Proposal

by Linda Beal Perry’s Flat Tax Proposal The Atlantic has a good summary article contrasting Perry’s Flat Tax proposal (an alternative choice to the income tax, that is modeled after Steve Forbe’s flat tax, which will result in much lower taxes for the wealthy because of the deductions it retains along with the zero taxation […]

The Euro Area Precedent for Policy Failure

by Rebecca Wilder The Euro Area Precedent for Policy Failure Last weekend, a leaked Troika report (Troika = ECB + EC + IMF) revealed that European policy makers now comprehend that the Greek policy prescription is not working (bold by yours truly): The growth and fiscal policy adjustments assumed under the program individually have precedent […]

A bleg: Request for Some Demographic Data

By Mike Kimel Hi. I’m looking for the US population aged 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 from 1929 to the present. I’m having a great deal of trouble extracting it from the Census. Does anyone have that data, ideally from a publicly available source? If so, please drop me a line at “mike” […]

This Is What You Get When Policy Makers Become Complacent

By Rebecca Wilder  This Is What You Get When Policy Makers Become Complacent The prospects for domestic demand in the US are not bright. The labor market barely generates jobs and fiscal policy is a drag. Americans are consuming; but there’s unlikely sufficient nominal income growth to stabilize consumption expenditure growth at current levels. We’ve […]

Cato has truly shocked me….stupefied really

by Michael Halasy Cato has truly shocked me….stupefied really. Those who have followed me at Angry Bear will recall my series on tort reform that I wrote this past year. In particular, I wrote a piece on the possible safety risks that patients would be exposed to, with a 0.02% increase in patient mortality with […]

Health Care Thoughts: Accountable Care Part II

Health Care Thoughts: Accountable Care Part II Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are the keystone of PPACA  (Obamacare) as far as restraining costs and improving quality. Early this year there was great excitement about ACOs in the provider community, but the publication of the (first phase) Medicare ACO rules threw cold water on everything. The rules […]

The Laffer Curve and the Kimel Curve

by Mike Kimel People always talk about the Laffer curve, but have you ever seen it estimated? Have you ever wondered why you don’t? If you’re a quant guy, you know the answer to that. Because if you’re a quant guy, at some point curiosity must have gotten the best of you. That means you […]

Perry Proposes (no surprise) a flat tax…

by Linda Beale Perry Proposes (no surprise) a flat tax…. Rick Perry, one night after what has been termed an ‘invigorated’ debate performance, has climbed on the flat-tax bandwagon (presumably meaning a flat-rate consumption tax a la the national retail sales tax idea).  See Tumulty, Rick Perry to Announce Flat Tax as Part of Economic […]