Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

DC Appellate Court upholds constitutionality of Obamacare

Talking Points Memo reminds us that there are still ongoing legal issues regarding our healthcare system: A three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — comprised of two judges appointed by Republican presidents and one by a Democrat — upheld the constitutionality of a key section of President Obama’s health care law in […]

Nader Argues for a Financial Transactions Tax

by Linda Beale Nader Argues for a Financial Transactions Tax Ralph Nader provided an op-ed on the question of a financial transaction tax, “Time for a Tax on Speculation,” Wall St. Journal, A17 (Nov. 2, 2011).  He ties the need for the tax as a curb to speculation to the growing concern among ordinary Americans […]

The right’s nutty claims about job creation–Gingrich and the estate tax

by Linda Beale The right’s nutty claims about job creation–Gingrich and the estate tax The right is busy selling its program for enriching the rich to the working class.  As usual, the sales pitches are full of false and nutty claims pitched to fool hard workers who are uninformed about the facts. Newt Gingrich, for […]


By Jeffrey R. McCord of The Investor Advocate SHAREOWNERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! “Occupy” Annual Meetings and Court Rooms The spectacular fall and bankruptcy of Jon Corzine’s MF Global Holdings within clear sight of mostly inactive regulators reminds us that “the system is still far too vulnerable and the work of regulatory reform far from […]

Income Mobility

Lifted from comments from Daniel Becker’s post here, reader PJR provides links to two good sources: Another data-driven study indicates income mobility is down at the same time that inequality is up, saying “Overall, the evidence indicates that over the 1969-to-2006 time span, family income mobility across the distribution decreased, families’ later-year incomes increasingly depended […]

Naked Capitalism’s Yves Smith is on fire…

Yves Smith has been on fire lately. Here’s an article on when offshoring fails. …As these industry examples illustrate, the tradeoff between cost and flexibility can be quite involved and difficult to evaluate. It now appears that the labour-cost benefits gained from offshoring might not be sufficient to cover the lost flexibility under many circumstances. […]

Moved your money

Think Progress points us to …the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) reports that a whopping 650,000 Americans have joined credit unions since Sept. 29 — the date that Bank of America announced it would start charging a $5 monthly debit fee, a move it backed down on this week. To put that in perspective, there […]

the right’s smoke & mirrors scams about corporate tax "reform"

by Linda Beale the right’s smoke & mirrors scams about corporate tax “reform” One could get a pretty gloomy picture of the state of Social Security, and the need to “reduce entitlements” while at the same time hearing about the (faked) urgency of cutting corporate taxes in order to give our US multinationals an edge […]

Worries About Italy: Growth and Politics

By Rebecca Wilder Worries About Italy: Growth and Politics< Current bond market pricing implies a 6.17% yield on a 10-yr Italian government bond, or 430 basis points (%/100) over a like German government bond. I’d call this distressed levels for Italian debt, especially for an economy that is very likely contracting as we speak. Today […]