Naked Capitalism’s Yves Smith is on fire…
Yves Smith has been on fire lately. Here’s an article on when offshoring fails.
…As these industry examples illustrate, the tradeoff between cost and flexibility can be quite involved and difficult to evaluate. It now appears that the labour-cost benefits gained from offshoring might not be sufficient to cover the lost flexibility under many circumstances.
Here she discusses the continuing robosigning.
And here is the view from within a bank.
A writer for the Minneapolis CityPages managed to worm his way into a presentation to the annual meeting of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce by US Bank’s CEO, Richard Davis…
make sure your antivirus is up to date… I caught Security Sphere at work from Yves’ place. The MS Forefront let it through.
make sure your antivirus is up to date… I caught Security Sphere at work from Yves’ place. The MS Forefront let it through.
Very timely recognition – she is also holding a fundraiser this week if anybody has a spare nickle or two…
im typically on her site more than an hour a day, reading every article yves has written & most of those she links to for almost three years and never had a problem…
The earthquake in Japan and the floods in Thailand may have taught us some hard lesson about far distant supply chain sourcing.