Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Repatriation Tax Holiday–WIN America is pushing hard…

by Linda Beale Repatriation Tax Holiday–WIN America is pushing hard… I get a press release a day from WIN America, the coalition of almost two dozen multinationals and about two dozen business organizations (like the Chamber of Commerce) that is pushing for another big “repatriation holiday” tax cut for the multinationals. Now they’re touting the […]

Health Care Thoughts: Institute of Medicine recommendations

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Institute of Medicine recommendations The Institute of Medicine (IOM) an influential organization long known for criticizing health care providers and advocating reform, has issued process recommendations for deciding the “essentials” of health insurance plans. An essentials list is required by DHHS by 2014 for all health plans […]

OccupyWallSt. should "have demands" and "be on the lawn of the Whitehouse"

OccupyWallSt. should “have demands” and “be on the lawn of the Whitehouse” Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism describes misgivings for policy prescriptions (demands) becoming central to the OccupyWallSt. movement at this time. Co-option of the energy and emotion of people taking the time to be involved is a real danger and cautions not to cave […]

More on Occupy Wall Street–Stiglitz and Madrick add their voices

by Linda Beale More on Occupy Wall Street–Stiglitz and Madrick add their voices Jim Swan, the Not-an-economist blogger who writes about “economics and the economy in the wake of the financial crisis”, is definitely a supporter of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement. In an earlier post, I noted the addition of labor concerns to […]

Policymic debate is happening on increasing taxes for the rich

I want to pass this forum and debate along at Policymic to readers. There are a number of excellent people in the comments section as well. There’s a great debate happening now between libertarian Harvard Professor Jeff Miron and Center for American Progress tax specialist Michael Linden on the hot topic of whether we should […]

Reagan as a Presidential candidate today

by Mike Kimel A very interesting video from Think Progress juxtaposes a speech by Barack Obama with a speech by Reagan. In it, Reagan says: We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but […]

Retaliating Against Currency Manipulation: A Primer

Kash at The Streetlight points us to other aspects of the world, touching upon the WTO and the IMF roles in global trade and China in particular: Retaliating Against Currency Manipulation: A Primer You’ve probably heard that this week the US Congress has been addressing the issue of how China controls its exchange rate with […]

Short list of articles on Occupying XX

A short list of thoughts on Occupying Together and comments makes for an interesting scan: Mark Engler, Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right Micah Sifry, #OccupyWallStreet: There’s Something Happening Here, Mr. Jones. Mike Konczal, Understanding the Theory Behind Occupy Wall Street’s Approach Doug Henwood, The Occupy Wall Street non-agenda Glenn Greenwald, What’s behind the […]