Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Steve Roth to write for Angry Bear

Steve Roth is a serial entrepreneur whose businesses have ranged from book and magazine publishing to high-tech professional conferences to corporate services. Steve’s publications include “Capital in the American Economy Since 1930: Kuznets Revisited,” an appendix to James Livingston’s Against Thrift: Why Consumer Culture is Good for the Economy, the Environment, and Your Soul. That […]

Shortages of prescribed drugs..topical thread

The number of newly reported drug shortages (mostly generic) has been growing: There were 74 newly reported drug shortages in 2005. The number dipped slightly to 70 in 2006, then rose to 129 in 2007, 149 in 2008, 166 in 2009, and 211 in 2010. In mid-2011 there were about 246 shortages. NPR had a […]

Gingrich tax ‘plan’ starves government, feeds the wealthy, rests on flawed assumptions

by Linda Beale Gingrich tax ‘plan’ starves government, feeds the wealthy, rests on flawed assumptions In case you hadn’t heard about it, Gingrich would offer taxpayers a choice to pay tax under current policy or at a 15% rate, with zero taxation of capital gains, dividends and interest that accrues mostly to the rich and […]

EA Spreads: Why Should the Trend Change?

By Rebecca Wilder  EA Spreads: Why Should the Trend Change? They changed the title; but originally the NY Times reported “Euro Zone Agrees to Reinforce Maastricht Rules“.  That’s exactly what EA policy makers agreed to last week – not much to bring home. The real shift in policy came from the ECB. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard highlights […]

American v. Brazilian Healthcare, a Continuing Series

by Mike Kimel American v. Brazilian Healthcare, a Continuing Series I spoke to my sister on Skype last night. She’s been in Natal, in Northeastern Brazil, for the past few months. Last week, she noticed a couple small warts growing on her leg. So she wandered down to a government run hospital and and had […]

A bit of humor…there is a Republican with a brain

Lifted from Robert’s Stochastic Thoughts: All evidence from the debates notwithstanding, there is a Republican with a brain. Asif Mandvi, reporter for the “Daily Show,” tried to prank Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, asking for a sample of her urine. She immediately forked it over, though it was only apple juice — yazakchattiest. I want […]

Credit for avoiding a second Great Depression? A low bar?

Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) poses a question that needs a careful look and response: In its top of the hour news segment NPR reported that President Obama hoped that voters would give him credit for avoiding a second Great Depression. If this is an accurate representation of what President Obama said then […]

Guest Post: Anti-Investor Supreme Court Decision and the SEC

By Jeff McCord of The Investor Advocate Impending SEC Recommendation on Anti-Investor Supreme Court Decision a Bellwether on Regulator’s View of “Public Interest” In one of its filings prior to U.S. Judge Jed Rakoff’s celebrated November 28th refusal to rubber stamp an SEC-Citicorp deal allowing the bank – a “recidivist offender” — to escape significant […]