Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Experiencing Forever Chemicals in Land and Water

Angry Bear has been posting articles on PFAS for a while now. Since I lived in Livingston County, Michigan, this was a problem. You could no longer eat the fish out of Strawberry Lake and some of the shallow wells were contaminated. Other commentaries . . . County shows higher levels of PFAS in blood […]

The Courts, the actual subject that the campaign and election should be about.

There is a lot going on with SCOTUS this year. The death of Chevron diverts decision making from agencies which have an expertise in particular situations to the courts who lack the technical expertise. So now we have Thomas looking back in his crystal ball to see what they were doing in the 18th Century. […]

Pediatrics in America Part 1: Need a pediatrician?

If you want to make the big bux as a physician, you need to do procedures (e.g., endoscopies, colonoscopies, surgery). Among the most poorly compensated branches of medicine are pediatrics and geriatrics. And yet: “Pediatricians attend the same medical schools as those who enter other specialties, and education is expensive. Almost half of those who […]

June manufacturing rebounds, May construction spending declines to (only) slightly negative

 – by New Deal democrat As usual, the month starts out with important data on manufacturing and construction. There was bad news and good news. The bad news is that both were negative. The relatively good news is that they were so slightly negative as to be essentially flat. First, the ISM report on manufacturing […]

Hey, this is Not Short. A Ten minute Read. The History of Originalism. Dahlia Lithwick

One of my favs for legal stuff. Supreme Court rulings on guns, abortion, Constitution: How originalism ate the law. ( by Dahlia Lithwick SLATE America is being led astray by a small handful of folks who are drunk-driving on originalism—and not in a funny Marx Brothers, spin-around-in-circles-and-all-fall-down sort of way. No, it’s in a children-murdered-in-their-classrooms, women-hemorrhaging-in-parking-lots, […]

A nation is really rich if the working day is 6 hours rather than twelve

Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading — part 2.8 by Tom Walker Econospeak In “The Trinity Formula,” in chapter 48 of volume 3 of Capital, Marx returned to the contradiction between the forces and relations of production. This time, however, it was not to deplore or analyze the fetters but […]

Where Does Wealth Really “Come From”?

Short answer: Lending, government deficits, capital formation, and holding gains by Steve Roth Originally Published at Wealth Economics I ended my last post with an apparent conundrum: “One person’s spending is another person’s income.” It seems to imply that spending and income must be equal. And since saving equals income minus spending, saving must be…zero? That’s obviously […]