Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Will we have to bail out our own family members?

rdan From the NYT business section comes this editotial,(the last half): Will we have to bail out our own family members? It’s started coming up in asides I hear from middle-aged friends who are concerned about their parents ending up in the poorhouse. And I see it in e-mail from people in their 60s and […]

The Winners Compensate the Losers? Thoughts on Armistice Day + 90

Ken Houghton Not Veteran’s Day, which is a U.S. construction to make certain we don’t have to give another Federal holiday to Those Who Served. And arguably not Remembrance Day, the version here in Canada, since (as Rob[ert] Farley notes) there are “only” ten known survivors remaining of The War to End All Wars, which […]

Overcoming Classism, a four-minute lesson

Ken Houghton Consider this a bright, cheerful post, as opposed to my next one. As long as TAPPED is talking about “classism,” let’s recall that the easy solution was Common Knowledge by the early 1980s: When I was in school I ran with kid down the streetBut I watched him burn himself up on bourbon […]

Why the Filibuster Doesn’t Matter (so much)

by Bruce Webb A great deal of ink and untold pixels have been expended ‘explaining’ why a real majority in the Senate requires enough votes to shut down a filibuster, i.e. sixty. And in that vein people are eagerly following the races in Alaska, Georgia and WisconsinMinnesota hoping all three will break the Democrats way […]

Poverty Belt III

By Spencer Last week I published this map of the counties that voted more republican this presidential election and called it the US poverty belt. Some readers strongly disagreed. But it seems that at least the New York Times agrees with my analysis. This week they publishedFor South, a Waning Hold on Politics One of […]

Links to more drastic financial decisions already done

Steve Randy Waldman at Interfluidity has an impassioned and clear opinion on the new AIG bailout money. Tax Prof Blog points to important tax law being re-written by Treasury and IRS on their own recognizance, quietly. Potentially adds big bucks to the deficit and encourages even bigger banks. ataxingmatter adds to the analysis.

Watching out for Midnight Regulations

Watching out for Midnight Regulations Reg•Watch has been following the phenomenon known as “midnight regulation” where an administration finalizes lots of rules in its waning days of power. Below is a list of many of the more controversial rules worth watching. Reg•Watch will provide regular updates to this list. (Here is the permanent link in […]

Politically Motivated Biased Censoring

by cactus Troll. Troll. Trooooooolllll. And Later: “Unscientic Politically Motivated Biased Censoring.” I think its safe to point out that Dan, who runs Angry Bear on a day to day basis, has wrestled with the idea of what to do with trolls. Here at AB, there are plenty of readers/commenters with plenty of opinions, some […]

"A Man With a Briefcase Can Steal More Money than any Man with a Gun"

Ken Houghton I would prefer not to talk about AIG, especially since we already have two posts on it today: Robert brilliantly puts it into context, while DOLB goes for blood. But the Gorgeous, Brilliant, and Talented BessNormally-not-this-astute-or-succinct Equity Private posted the perfect summary. And Floyd Norris is on fire as to why this move, […]