Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

New Bankruptcy Process for Student Loans is Proving to be a Cruel, Dangerous Joke for Borrowers.

Our opposition seeds stories (CNBC) in the media pretty frequently like this. They try to make it seem like getting a discharge on student loans in bankruptcy is possible for most people. It is not. AB: Alan is voicing his displeasure with media claiming many people are getting student loan relief. They are not. In […]

MOHELA Tells Republican States It is Not Involved in Lawsuit

“Major student-loan company (MOHELA) just undermined the GOP-led lawsuit halting Biden’s debt cancellation,” (, Ayelet Sheffey. Oct 12, 2022, Biden’s Student-Debt Relief Goes to Court Today. Here’s the GOP Argument, (, Ayelet Sheffey. Republicans representing Arkansas, South Carolina, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri all said the states could suffer revenue loss from student-loan forgiveness, even […]