Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Earned Labor Income Is a Small and Weak Lever. Unearned Property Income, and Wealth, Rule

Reversing extreme wealth concentration means going after property income. Originally Published at Wealth Economics Economists and pundits have been cheered of late by the labor-share increase during the first couple of years of the Covid era. And even, for a moment, lower-income workers were making progress vs higher-income folks. This is good news. In the […]

Personal Saving Makes More than 40% of Property Income . . . Invisible. Think Total Return

Personal income, so Personal saving, ignore a huge part of Total Return — the income-from-assets measure used by every modern portfolio investor. Guess what’s missing? Personal Saving Makes More than 40% of Property Income . . . Invisible. Think Total Return, Wealth Economics, Steve Roth Matthew Klein and Joey Politano have been singularly responsible in their discussions of […]