Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

You searched for: another look

Revisiting an Early Look at the Recession

by cactus Revisiting an Early Look at the Recession Now that the recession is officially here, I’d like to revisit a post I wrote in March entitled How is This…

Remdesivir 7

…that Remdesivir failed to perform better than a placebo. This is simply and obviously false (this is obvious without looking at the data just based on an understanding of what…

New look for Angry Bear

…is faster and cleaner and should serve us well. There will be additional services included. Anyone who wants to take a look at the proto-type can in the near future….

Angry Bear new look

This will soon be the new look for Angry Bear, and a switch to the wordpress platform from blogger will add considerably to functions. Our advertisements are also missing. The…