Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Must-Watch Daily Show You should probably be watching the Daily Show anyway, because Jon Stewart is more informative than Larry King any day of the week. In any event, tonight’s Daily Show guest is none other that Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who first outed the SOTU deception and whose wife was apparently outed as a CIA […]

Look! Over there! Photographs of Quday and Usay! That didn’t take long (warning: if you follow the link you’ll see fairly graphic pictures). From Fox News, Uday, Qusay Pictures Released: WASHINGTON — The Pentagon released pictures Thursday of the bodies of Saddam Hussein’s (search) much-feared sons. The extremely graphic photographs were distributed on CD- ROM […]

Green and Greenerer Matt Yglesias linked to my original Green post and got some good responses from Greens, former Greens, and Democrats really angry with the Greens. CalPundit got even more comments on the same topic here. In my comments, as well as theirs, one line of argument keeps resurfacing from the Greens: “If only […]

nation’s largest television networks to grow bigger

Veto Proof F.C.C. Media Rule Blocked in House in a 400-to-21 Vote WASHINGTON, July 23 — The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation today to block a new rule supported by the Bush administration that would permit the nation’s largest television networks to grow bigger by owning more stations. The vote, which was 400 to […]

Blogs in The Boston Globe The Globe has a story on political blogs that you might find interesting. Oliver Willis gets a big plug, as does Howard Dean’s blog. Unlike other stories on blogging that I’ve seen in the press, there’s not much to disagree with in this one. The story also raises a question […]

Rice Watch Day 2 Josh Marshall reports (permalink broken, scroll down to “Interesting insider info”) that today’s Nelson Report says this: …yesterday, Hadley performed a virtual repeat of Tenet’s highly qualified “taking responsibility” pose by making it clear that if he has to take a fall, then Ms. Rice needs to explain why she didn’t […]

Look! Over there! Photographs of Quday and Usay! Just thought I’d get that over with since you’ll be hearing it a lot over the coming weeks in response to any questions about the conduct of the war, faulty intelligence, how said intelligence got into the SOTU speech, the White House outing a CIA agent, and […]

Green Update Tomasky has a new story in the American Prospect, “Gang Green: The Democrats can cure their Ralph Nader problem by attacking him — immediately and ferociously.” Tomasky writes First, if it was the intention of Nader voters in New York or Massachusetts (or any state Al Gore was certain to win in 2000) […]

Condoleezza Watch Day One I was tempted to start the watch back on July 6th when I made this post, but I thought it was premature. Now, via Atrios, I see that Rice’s top assistant, Stephen Hadley, is trying to do a George Tenet: “‘I have failed in that responsibility,’ Hadley said during the off-camera […]

Green Joke Update I have the first submission, and it made me laugh out loud (via blogger Alex Frantz): Q: How many Greens does it take to change a lightbulb? A: There’s no important difference between darkness and the so-called light that is created by destructive multinational corporations. The only real answer is to pruduce […]