Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Plaming On… with the Devil’s Advocate As AB noted below, Digby’s point about the Plame affair being (partly, at least) about the media itself is a good one. Maybe the media will indeed keep the story going, simply because they get to talk about themselves. But I also think that in order to answer the […]

More People Reading Angry Bear That’s my favorite possible explanation for this story, from the front page of today’s New York Times: The public’s confidence in President Bush’s ability to deal wisely with an international crisis has slid sharply over the past five months, the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll has found. And a […]

Plame On! Recently, Kash expressed some concern that “this disgusting episode of political payback and security manipulation will quickly fade away with little long-term repercussions on the Bush presidency?” I haven’t disagreed with my esteemed co-blogger yet, and I’m not quite doing so now. But Digby raises an interesting point that I think has merit: […]

Corrections Department Earlier, I referred to Rush Limbaugh as a “Jackass”. That was a mistake; the correct term is “junkie“. I regret the error. AB

Shocking Hostility from the Arab World The report released yesterday that found that the Arab world hates the US was nothing short of… absolutely obvious. I would have been happy to tell the State Department months ago that “Hostility toward America has reached shocking levels,” and that “what is required is not merely tactical adaptation […]

The Plame Affair It looks like things are settling down regarding the Plame affair. The wheels have slowly begun grinding on an FBI investigation that will probably take months, Bush’s buddies are in charge of the investigation, the White House is effectively holding Congressional Republicans in line to stifle calls for an independent investigation, fallout […]

Are We Booming Yet? This week’s initial unemployment claims were up a bit to 399,000, suggesting that tomorrow’s unemployment report may not look too good. There have been a few other worrying signs about the economy lately: manufacturing activity may have begun slowing again a bit, and consumer confidence is falling, not rising. We’re supposed […]

Clark Interview Josh Marshall interviewed Gen. Clark yesterday and the entire interview is available here. Here’s a sample, but there’s much more and it’s worth reading: And this administration comes in with an ideology that blocks its ability to see, articulate, and resolve those problems. It’s an ideology that’s a sharpened sort of right-wing Republican […]

Rush Limbaugh’s a Big Fat Idiot Many of you probably have seen his comment from Sunday: “I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot […]

Freewayblogging For some time, reader Scarlet Pimpernel has been sending me pictures of various messages that someone or some group has been posting near Camp Pendleton on I-5 near San Diego. For example, the “we’re all wearing the blue dress now” picture. That’s a phrase I meant to use more, as in Whoever leaked Plame’s […]