Clark Interview

Josh Marshall interviewed Gen. Clark yesterday and the entire interview is available here. Here’s a sample, but there’s much more and it’s worth reading:

And this administration comes in with an ideology that blocks its ability to see, articulate, and resolve those problems. It’s an ideology that’s a sharpened sort of right-wing Republican party ideology. It has no real intellectual base to it. It’s just the ideology of a party. By intellectual base, I’m talking first, trickle-down economics. No reputable economist stands up and says, “Trickle down economics reallyworks.” Because we know the marginal propensity to consume of people who are making $100,000 a year and less is much higher than the marginal propensity to consume of people who are making $350,000 a year and more.

So therefore when you say you’re going to give money to the rich so they’ll make jobs for the poor — that’s not a very efficient way of producing jobs in the American economy.