Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Made in China means quality

rdan The blog Name Wire poses a potent question on perception of value and who builds a product: The recent news that China has surpassed the US as the world’s second largest exporter — now making more cars than Detroit — has got me thinking about what “Made in China” means to US consumers. Nowadays, […]

Jeff Sachs and Longer and More Variable Lags

Robert Waldmann So I’m reading “Aid Ironies” by Jeff Sachs and nodding my head vigorously. “The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, and the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunizations are both saving lives by the millions, and at remarkably low cost.” Yes “Americans … overestimate the actual aid from the US by […]

Auto thinking

rdan James Kwak of Baseline Scenario asks an important basic question concerning the statement that ‘big cars are inherently more profitable for car companies, so smaller is bad for profits’, and comes up with this part answer: because we think they do in America, so we can charge more. Anything else you can think of […]

The Pro-Life Position and Good Business Practice

by cactus The Pro-Life Position and Good Business Practice Around the time of the Schiavo affair, Angry Bear (the blogger himself!) wrote a post which discussed, among other things, the case of Sam Hudson, a comatose boy who died after his feeding tube was removed by the hospital. That was done against the wishes of […]

Vague thoughts on a Sharp Essay

Robert Waldmann Brad DeLong wrote a brilliant little essay on “The Hidden Purpose of High Finance” This is a “project sindicate” project, so I think fair use requires me to only quote Brad when he is quoting Keynes except for 3 words, 2 in the quote below and “eggplant.” He dismisses the efficient markets hypothesis […]

How the NW Plan Eliminates Unfunded Liabilities-Forever

by Bruce Webb In comments Andrew Biggs claims that the NW Plan does not actually eliminate $15.4 trillion in unfunded Social Security liability but instead leaves a 1% payroll gap over the Infinite Future. I have no reason to suspect his math but do suspect he doesn’t fully understand the mechanism. The Northwest Plan ultimately […]

Yglesias and Klein on notPaul Samuelson

Robert Waldmann I noticed that Robert Samuelson wrote this Op-ed in the Washington Post. I knew I couldn’t stand to read it (I haven’t). However, I did encounter it’s echos at Matthew Yglesias’s and Ezra Klein’s. After the jump my denunciation of a paragraph quoted from a column which I haven’t read. In the Post […]

Just a women’s issue

rdan Women’s e news carries a note on a time honored business plan, paying locals to not interfere with production. This is probably not taught to high school kids in America, or college, but most of us benefit at least through cell phones, i pods, and computers on a daily basis. Best to ignore the […]

Assassination by a lone man…free speech does need careful protection

rdan All of us might reflect on Frank Schaeffer’s words concerning hate and incendiary speech. Automatic slogans that tap deep emotion comes easily to all at points in their lives. Assassinations are ‘contagious’ at times. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

How I Eliminated $15.4 TRILLION in Unfunded Debt: for $1.50 a week

by Bruce Webb Don’t step in the Voodoo. Leap in U.S. debt hits taxpayers with 12% more red ink Yhe latest increase raises federal obligations to a record $546,668 per household in 2008, according to the USA TODAY analysis. That’s quadruple what the average U.S. household owes for all mortgages, car loans, credit cards and […]