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You searched for: infrastructure


…provide the infrastructure that protects our ability to make money in the first place. I don’t know if we would feel safe in a country with a 40% smaller defense…

Kudlow’s Komedy Kapers (Cross-post)

infrastructure spending, undoubtedly in the form of an infrastructure bank. That’s a terrible idea. It’s borrowed from Latin America, where bloated and corrupt bureaucratic construction agencies have helped bankrupt any…

Sensible Tax Reform

…investment with broad public benefits — then that sort of investment should be done by public authority, funded by an infrastructure bank. Thus as a general rule fixed assets —…

Thoughts on Detroit

…local government, and yesterday dropped the bomb, a massive racketerring indictment of Kilpatrick, his father and several political operatives. In a city where infrastructure is literally collapsing in front of…

Ireland – The Questions Nobody Seems to be Asking

…By fictional, I don’t mean lacking in physical manifestations such as massive improvements in infrastructure, etc. Consider the effects of something else I’m mostly ignorant about, namely the Menem-and-Cavallo-dollarize-privatize-and-steal plan…