Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Invisible hand and free markets…a reminder

Gavin Kennedy reminds us that handy metaphors used to sell fictions about either free markets or ‘the force’ at work are just that: Smith is a conjecture about the virtues of a free-market economy”, is so absurd as to be embarrassing.  That Adam Smith favoured “a free market economy” is approximately correct.  That he asserted that a […]

Call This Spade a Spade: The ‘DEADBEAT’ Threat. I.e., Deadbeatism.

[I]sn’t it paramount the president explain to the public what the debt ceiling issue actually is, rather than allowing the Republicans to keep misinforming the public that it’s an increase in budget allocations rather than a payment for budget allocations already made?  This quirk in the law–the requirement that Congress authorize payment of costs already […]

The most money goes to which law enforcement agency?

Think Progress offers a note of caution when we think we have reality nailed for government spending and results. And how ‘public displays’ by our politicians offer up little information: During the 2012 fiscal year, the federal government spent more on immigration enforcement — $18 billion — than on every other federal law enforcement agencies […]

See Harold Meyerson’s Washington Post Column Today

This shift from wages to profits is called redistribution. It is the central fact of American economic life. And it is the primary reason that economic inequality in the United States has skyrocketed. Yet wages, which are descending, are taxed at a higher rate than income derived from corporate profits — capital gains and dividends. […]

Is the $8.5 billion Foreclose and Fraud Settlement Enough of a Penalty?

by run75411 Update: Besides not prosecuting particulars who promulgated much of 2008, what makes this settlement bad is letting banks off the hook: “In the settlement announced Monday between the Federal Reserve, the Comptroller of the Currency and ten of the largest banks and other mortgage providers, the government gives up the right to prosecute banks […]

Hagel for Defense Secretary

I’m actually agnostic on this choice.  The always excellent Charles Pierce makes a good case for Hagel, but why should Obama go for any Republican?  This just continues to promote the canard that Republicans are somehow stronger or more capable on defense issues than Democrats. The irony here is that the greatest opposition is coming […]

The Continued Necessity of Explaining to the Public What the Debt Ceiling IS

It’s already clear that Republican congressional leaders now recognize that the Republicans actually have no leverage at all on the debt ceiling matter; they’re not going to pull that trigger, and everyone knows it.  But Obama (or other prominent Dems) still really, really need to explain to the public that the debt ceiling concerns authorization […]

Social Security/Medicare vs Corporate Welfare

by Linda Beale Social Security/Medicare vs Corporate Welfare The denouement of the fiscal cliff debate behind us (and not, I regret, with the best results–more on that later) we now face the next stage, in which we can expect the right-side extremists to threaten to hold the government hostage unless spending is cut (meaning, to […]