Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Tapering would raise borrowing… Forward guidance needs some psychological bite

An article came out in the WSJ web site called Lenders Look to Fed Tapering to Lift Business Borrowing. One would think that tapering would discourage borrowing. Yet, we are in a situation where long-term low interest rates suppress borrowing. Here is the key line from the article referring to tapering… “Such a move would […]

Antonio Fatas Has 4 Excellent criticisms of Current Macroeconomic Research

The post is too good to excerpt so just go read it. To edit ruthlessly 1. The business cycle is not symmetric. [skip] 2. As much as the NBER methodology emphasizes the notion of recessions (which, by the way, is asymmetric in nature), most academic research is produced around models where small and frequent shocks […]

The Latest Never Ending Adventures in Corporatism Via the TPP

From the Economic Populist: The Latest Never Ending Adventures in Corporatism Via the TPP –  Wikileaks has published more secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement documents, revealing more and more how the United States represents large corporations and not the citizens of the nation.  The Huffington Post published a large front page story is on the Trans-Pacific […]

Social Security: Trust Fund Ratios, Solvency and the Reagan ‘Raid’

What does or would it mean to say that Social Security was ‘solvent’? Under the rules that govern the Trustees of Social Security the test for any given year is pretty simple: did or will the year end with all obligations/cost met while still retaining assets equal to the next year’s cost. To determine this […]

The “Global Savings Glut” Is Conceptually Incoherent. “The Economy” Cannot “Save”

When you hear people talk about the Global Savings Glut, you can be quite sure they are talking about monetary “savings” — the global aggregate stock of money embodied in financial assets. What they don’t seem to realize is that the net holdings of global financial assets minus liabilities — claims and counterclaims — is […]

Guest post: Speaking Truth to Power

Joseph P. Joyce (is a Professor of Economics at Wellesley College and the Faculty Director of the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Affairs Guest post: Speaking Truth to Power When the full history of the European debt crisis is related, one important part of the story will be the uneasy relationship of the International […]