Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Obama AFDC TANF EITC and facts which are stubborn things

In his speech on inequality Barack Obama said it’s also true that some programs in the past, like welfare before it was reformed, were sometimes poorly designed, created disincentives to work, but we’ve also seen how government action time and again can make an enormous difference in increasing opportunity and bolstering ladders into the middle […]

“A liberal is someone who doesn’t know how to take his own side in an argument.”

This quote is right up there with the great Will Rogers line: “I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” Matthew Yglesias opens his recent post with it. I don’t know if he coined it, but if so, A Huge Kudos. It’s utterly and painfully true. A deservedly iconic statement. Here’s what […]

“Saving” and Underconsumption

Some years ago Paul Krugman gave perhaps the best argument against the inequality-causes-underconsumption theory of secular stagnation: the idea that rich people spend less of their income/wealth, so if wealth/income is more concentrated there’s less spending and less GDP/prosperity. (It’s curious how liberal economists are the ones who most commonly shoot down this argument. That’s […]

Relax DeLong & Krugman… productivity advances will appear when there is demand-space

Brad DeLong wrote a praised piece about growth… The Honest Broker: Is Growth Getting Harder? If so, Why, and What Can We Do About It? Yes, it was an interesting piece, but I have a bit of a critique of one point concerning productivity. I see productivity as blocked by demand. But he doesn’t make […]

Does Lowering Corporate Tax Rates Create Jobs? Answer is a resounding "no"

by Linda Beale Does Lowering Corporate Tax Rates Create Jobs? Answer is a resounding “no” For years (decades, actually), the American pro-wealthy right has argued that lowering corporate tax rates will create jobs.  That is the presumed purpose behind the push by Dave Camp to enact a tax reform package with lower corporate rates, and […]

By faith, Mr. Krugman seeing the light… More evidence labor share critical to trade deficits…

I watch the transformation of Paul Krugman to understand the key importance of labor share. But first, let’s start with Till Van Treeck, who writes an article titled… U.S. Current Account Deficits and German Surpluses: The Role of Income Distribution in Global Imbalances. He presents evidence that labor share and inequality are creating a large part […]

Why is inflation low and steady?

While some debate whether QE is causing low inflation… there is a practical view of low inflation from an article written by Chun Wang at Advisor Perspectives. Here are some excerpts… “A key factor allowing the Fed to maintain QE is the lack of inflation. You would think after multiple rounds of synchronized global money […]