Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Millennials and Social Security…it is already included in the plan

Dean Baker at the Center for Economic and Policy Research offers a smackdown of Abby Huntsman’s warnings to millenials on MSNBC. For today I want to highlite several points. Dean Baker offers essentially Dale’s Northwest Plan as a way to deal with any problems of funding. Center for Economic Policy and Research lifted from an […]

Hawaii Cuts Uninsured Population in Half

In case you haven’t seen Charles Gaba’s great website, you really need to see it. It is the best source available for tracking Obamacare enrollments, covering all categories of signups, including Medicaid, the federal and state exchanges, off-exchange signups, and estimated under-26ers. One of the most notable achievements of Obamacare is in the President’s […]

“Never predict anything, especially the future,” as Casey Stengel wisely said. “But let’s look, instead, at the past.”

Usually, I would leave this type of post to the Steves, Jazz, Ken, Roberts, Edwards, Mikes, Thomas, etc. of Angry Bear Blog and stick to my manufacturing expertise to which flow the big bucks for me; but, this is in laymen’s terms and it makes sense to me at least.  Arend Brett’s latest article on […]

The small Propensity to Consume by Capital Income… and the Fall in Labor Share

James Kwak at Baseline Scenario writes about wealth inequality and supports systematic redistribution. And our own Steve Roth wrote on this too here at Angry Bear. What is the propensity to consume by capital income? Well, for every dollar of capital income, roughly 18% is being spent on consumption. (15% effective tax rate, 67% savings […]

Riding the Waves

by Joseph Joyce Riding the Waves   The volatility in emerging markets has abated a bit, but may resume in the fallout of the Russian takeover of the Crimea. The capital outflows and currency depreciations experienced in some emerging market nations have been attributed to their choice of policies. But their economic situations reflect the domestic […]

The Incredible Vanishing Takeaway from the CBO Report on Minimum Wage

I’m surprised that nobody highlights what for me is the key takeaway from that report. They predict, with a $10.10/indexed increase: Low-end incomes increase $19 billion. High-end incomes decline $17 billion. For a net GDI increase of $2 billion. Table 1, page 2: Pie gets bigger, all that rot. The increase is presumably explained by […]