Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Generic brands and markets

This quote at Dailykos caught my attention on trends for the generic drugs markets: For years, doxycycline has been a valuable drug for physicians who treat the indigent — unemployed or underemployed folks without insurance. A staple of $4 drug lists, it can be used to treat everything from bronchitis to “walking” pneumonia to urinary […]

Trade agreements, to what purposes?

Via Naked Capitalism reminds us of several thing about the current round of trade agreements, which would increase the ability of international corporations to sue governments both local and national for ‘loss of profits’. As the Obama administration negotiates new trade agreements with European and Pacific nations, a battle has emerged over the agreements’ egregious […]

Americans Woke Up and Realized They are Getting Screwed. Envy Isn’t the Emotion They’re Expressing

by J Tizimeskes  (who is currently juggling a job in the private sector while studying for a Wayne State MBA, getting a blog post or two in when he can. Previously, he worked for New York State and holds a Masters in Political Science from University at Albany and a biology degree from University of […]

Financing new economic activities and bankrolling speculation…

by Joseph Joyce  (is a Professor of Economics at Wellesley College and the Faculty Director of the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Affairs) Too Much of a Good Thing? Global banks do not have much to cheer about these days. Earnings are falling, and the banks are responding by cutting jobs. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has […]

Millennials and Social Security…it is already included in the plan

Dean Baker at the Center for Economic and Policy Research offers a smackdown of Abby Huntsman’s warnings to millenials on MSNBC. For today I want to highlite several points. Dean Baker offers essentially Dale’s Northwest Plan as a way to deal with any problems of funding. Center for Economic Policy and Research lifted from an […]