Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Not Mincing Words

This is the companion first post to the Emperor Hadrian quote (lifted from comments h/t BW) here: Not Mincing Words In today’s USA Today, James Webb (“Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration, and a Marine platoon and company commander in Vietnam”) leads with some harsh criticism of Kerry, paticularly Kerry’s involvement with Vietnam […]

David Brat, et al. v. John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, the Koch Brothers, the Chamber of Commerce, et al.

Uh-oh, hedge fund managers and Goldman Sachs partners.  Obviously, few of you are evangelical Christians.  So this guy, who wants good markets, has his sights set on you.  But, luckily not on that carried-interest tax-benefit thing y’all get to use, praise the Lord. So maybe you hedge-fund types can skip church again this Sunday, after […]

The “Cholesterol Con”– Eggs

In the past, I have written about the “cholesterol con” (part 1), the widespread  belief that high levels of “bad  (LDL)  cholesterol” can cause heart attacks. As I have explained (part 2), the myth has generated enormous profits for many commercial interests, including companies that peddle statins. (Please read both parts of the post.)   No […]

Angry Bear 2004: All kinds of catastrophe says Hadrian (prescient!)

Our own original Angry Bear speaking to the Middle East in 2004: Emperor Hadrian Webb’s claims in the first two paragraphs quoted in the previous post remind me of this quote, provided by commenter Megamike: “Beyond the Euphrates began for us the land of mirage and danger, the sands where one helplessly sank, and the […]

David Brat’s Golden Rule

Religious ethics rarely enter into mainstream economic theory, but they are topics that [economics professor cum Eric Cantor slayer David] Brat, who describes himself in his writing as a Calvinist, has turned to repeatedly. In a 2011 article, “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?” published in a journal of […]

Tea Party Seizes House Financial Reins: and so Reigns

Quick take on how things are shaking out in House Leadership including Committees: Paul Ryan: from Budget to Ways and Means Tom Price: to Budget Jeb Hensarling: to Financial Services Hal Rogers: maintains House Appropriations Let’s just say that none of those guys seems like champions of the New Deal or likely members of any […]

Republicans say they killed the bill that would lower interest on existing student loans because it does nothing to cure cancer … er, it does nothing to lower college costs and therefore reduce borrowing. Or cure cancer.

Republicans said the bill wouldn’t have done anything to lower education costs or reduce borrowing, and they accused Democrats of playing politics by highlighting an issue that was bound to fail. — Senate Republicans block student loan bill, Erica Werner, Associated Press, today The bill, written and sponsored by Elizabeth Warren, would allowed borrowers, including those […]