Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Guest post: 8.2 Miles from Mutuality

by Rev. Nathan Detering (First Parish church, Sherborn, MA, delivered October , 2014) Guest post:    8.2 Miles from Mutuality “We are caught in an escapable network of mutuality, Tied in a single garment of destiny. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice Everywhere.” How many of us have heard the words before, just by […]

It’s not as bad as they say, then again, maybe it’s worse. Monitoring the Mail.

Guest Post by Mark Jamison, retired Postmaster Webster, N.C. It’s been said that “life imitates art” but the idea of government spying on its citizens didn’t originate with George Orwell and his version of “Big Brother”. The United States has a long history of spying on its citizens. The revelations of the U.S. Senate Select […]

Paul Waldman gives voice to my own dismay at the silly “Republicans now need to ‘show they can govern,’ because everyone wants to ‘get things done’” line …

… here.  It’s nonsense.  Obvious, absolute nonsense. Why are so many pundits buying into this line?  Maybe because they’ve heard it over and over and over, from other pundits? Sorta like other things they’ve heard over and over and over, that maybe they should stop buying?  Yeah, probably.

Wow. Out of the Mouths of Babes … er … the Examiner.

This was published yesterday morning, but I just saw it now.  I agree with almost everything it says.  The one exception concerns Bruce Braley, who despite the silly controversies about chickens and Iowa Farmer Grassley, is someone I hope remains involved in Dem politics. The spot-on-ist part of this really spot-on analysis?  The last two paragraphs: […]

Will Jeff Merkley or Sherrod Brown now decide to run for the 2016 presidential nomination?

So who won the 2014 midterm elections? The easy answer is the Republican Party. On election night, the party managed to seize control of the Senate by picking up at least seven seats previously held by Democrats, a goal that has eluded Republicans since 2006. The GOP also captured at least 14 House races, expanding […]

A conclusion that “the hiatus” in global land surface warming is natural variability

Dan here…Jan points us to a response to ‘hiatus’ of climate change. by Jan Galkowski (reposted from Hypergeometric) A conclusion that “the hiatus” in global land surface warming is natural variability Lovejoy provides conclusive statistical evidence, free of use of climate models, that the so-called “hiatus” in global land surface warming is due to natural variability […]

The Political Science of Small-Government Science

If they had proper regard for science, politicians in both parties would fight harder against the devastating cuts to federal research that have happened under sequestration, endangering medical progress and jeopardizing our global leadership. And lawmakers trying to prove their fiscal prudence wouldn’t irresponsibly smear all scientific inquiry by cherry-picking and theatrically denouncing the most […]

Time to comment on the GASB standards!

As I reported last month, the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has proposed new rules that would require state and local governments to disclose subsidies in their financial reports. The proposal is now open for public comment from now until January 15, 2015. Good Jobs First, which has long advocated for this change in accounting […]

WHY THE DEMOCRATS LOST: Because they cannot win unless they explain Keynesian economics and inform the public of the dramatic reduction in federal spending and federal employment since 2010—and the consequences of it. Obama will not (or, intellectually, cannot) do that. So others must.

Yesterday, I wrote here in response to a statement by Greg Sargent that “McConnell’s only way to re-litigate Obama’s policies will remain budgetary guerrilla warfare that will only work if Obama allows it to work, which he won’t, which he won’t.”: McConnell’s only way to re-litigate Obama’s policies will remain budgetary guerrilla warfare that will only work […]

Greg Sargent confuses Obama with Elizabeth Warren. Or with Harry Reid. While Obama confuses the congressional Republicans with Michelle.

Presuming Republicans win the Upper Chamber, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will claim a new era of constructive governance has arrived, while simultaneously claiming a mandate to chip away at President Obama’s already achieved policy gains. (Those who profess a love for bipartisan cooperation will politely ignore this absurdity.) But McConnell’s only way to re-litigate […]