Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The PPACA Sky is Falling . . .

Quelle Surprise, The White House Administration has decided to give “some” companies with >50 employees a one year extension in order to prepare and comply with the PPACA mandate. Given the amount of resistance the PPACA has received from the states in preparing for it and the House of Representatives, this delay should come as […]

Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Meets Immigration Reform

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Meets Immigration Reform With the passage of the Senate version of immigration reform we have some details to ponder. Illegals who become “provisional” for up to 13 years will not qualify for some Obamacare credits and subsidies. Workers who receive “unaffordable” insurance coverage from employers will […]

Health Care Thoughts: California Assembly Bill 880 (pending

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: California Assembly Bill 880 (pending) It was a no brainer to predict Obamacare would have a major impact on restaurant and retail employers, especially in the throes of a weak economy. The composition of the work forces and often slim margins guarantee problems. Darden Corp. (Red Lobster […]

Health Care Thoughts: Cap per Procedure

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Cap per Procedure Some employer health plans are experimenting with a cap-per-procedure system, allowing $X for a certain procedure and forcing employees to pay any difference. This is not as harsh for employees as it first sounds, as the plans are using this as leverage to cap fees […]

Health Care Thoughts: Tenet Buys Vanguard, Wave of the Future?

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Tenet Buys Vanguard, Wave of the Future? The three most frequently used words in health care strategy today are: Integration – more providers employed by hospitals, networks and corporate providers Consolidation – networks and corporate providers getting larger Alignment – trying to develop business models that make […]

Obamacare – Fear – Mongers Poison Minds; Hatred Blinds

Maggie Mahar at Health Beat Blog Obamacare – Fear – Mongers Poison Minds; Hatred Blinds” writes about the confusion about, the anger at, and the mischaracterization of the PPACA by every day people, medical workers, and politicians. Having myself presented the facts to rebut assumptions and fallacies, I find her comments interesting and on the […]

Welfare Reform Kills II

Earlier I noted the research of Peter Muennig, Zohn Rosen and Elizabeth Ty Wilde which proves (at all standard confidence intervals) that welfare reform killed people.  I was alarmed that almost nobody but the must read Bill Gardner noticed this research.  Now Dylan Matthews has a long excellent post on the research and other evidence that anti […]

Health Care Thoughts: Conference Wrap-up

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Conference Wrap-up So I do some conferences with a lot of people who are way smarter than me, people literally and figuratively on the cutting edge. What thoughts are dominating health care these days, especially the provider community? Here is a list of frequent talking points, further […]

Guest post: The Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund

Guest post by Michael Cahill The Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund: Why it needs to succeed for America’s Economic Future What will it take for the Affordable Care, known more commonly as Obamacare, to succeed? Realistically speaking it will take a lot of things for the ACA to be a real success, […]