Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Guest post: Under Obamacare, Will You Receive a Subsidy…We Now Have Real Numbers

 by Maggie Mahar Under Obamacare, Will You Receive a Subsidy to Help You Buy Your Own Insurance? We Now Have Real Numbers That Will Let You Calculate How Much You Will Receive Note to Readers: A longer version of this post appeared yesterday on Up until now, when Obamacare’s supporters and reform’s opponents squabbled over […]

Health Care Thoughts: What is a "health care economist."

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: What is a “health care economist.” During the past three years I have met several young “health care economists.” Clearly this is a hot topic. I try to be helpful when appropriate, but I often become quite skeptical, and often subtly ask some questions to test expertise. The […]

State Run and Free Healthcare Clinics ? ? ?

“For goodness sakes, of course the employees and the retirees like it, it’s free,” says Republican State Sen. Dave Lewis. 11,000 Helena state employees, retirees, and dependents now go to a state run healthcare clinic which is free. No co-pays, no deductibles, doctors are salaried, wait time is a few minutes, and visits are up […]

Obamacare and Employment

If you listen to CNBC or read right wing blogs you would think that the Obamacare regulations that require  large employers — over 50 full time equivalent employees –to provide their employees insurance or pay a penalty is leading to a massive shifting of employees from full time to part time.  CNBC is constantly interviewing […]

Health Care Thoughts: Question for the readers

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Question for the readers I’m in the mood to think about technology, and have the following questions: Which of these would be your preferred method of receiving health care updates, more detailed than a typical health care thought AB post? specialty blog/s pod casts Internet radio (see […]

McDonalds’ Suggests a Budget for Employees . . .

Partnering with Visa, McDonalds’ Suggests a Budget for Employees which Ironically Shows in the End Just How Impossible It is to Get by on the Minimum Wage. The budget does not include gasoline, food, or heating expenses and incorporates $20/month for Healthcare Insurance. Besides skipping certain expenses and skimping on others; to meet the income […]

Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Fail

by  Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Fail The Obama administration has delayed a key portion of the program, the 50+ regulations for employers on providing insurance and on the quality of insurance provided. So why the delay? 1) The administration could not explain its’ own rules and definitions, especially on seasonal workers […]

Sequester Impact: 1 In 7 Seniors Struggle With Hunger

Crooks and Liars Diane Sweet writes about the impact the Sequester is having on something I used to do when working part time at an assisted care and nuring home in Bensonville, Illinois while pursuing my first BA. “Meals on Wheels” would bring a meal a day to the elderly. Since some were apartment-bound with […]