Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Health Care Thoughts: Really Narrow Networks

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Really Narrow Networks “Narrow networks” are in the news as the ACA exchanges begin to do business (or not?). From the Columbus Dispatch: There may be other problems besides low payment rates. According to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) contracting is slow, uncertainty is high, and […]

A Question for Opponents of ACA/Obamacare

Because I need to understand the actual assumptions in play. The question is simple: Should every American have access to affordable health care? Now there are a range of answers explicitly or as often explicitly returned by opponents of which the following is just one set: 1) Yes. And every American has access via Emergency […]

John Boehner Demands Fairness to Arkansan Butch Matthews and His Wife, and Offers to Give Up His Own Healthcare Insurance, Just to Start the Fairness Thing Rolling.

WASHINGTON — House Republicans emerged from a closed-door meeting on Friday with no new strategy to end the budget standoff and an angry plea to President Obama to negotiate over his health care law. “This isn’t some damned game,” said Speaker John A. Boehner, his voice rising in anger. “The American people don’t want their […]

Why Do People Prefer the Affordable Care Act Over Obamacare?

Affordable Care act versus Obamacare Act I will give you, there is nothing within this bill that is easy to understand. Along with Maggie Mahar and others, I took the time to read the act and attempt to understand it which even today causes me fits. As shown in this clip, many people can distinguish […]

Chris Hayes Explains the PPACA for Fox and Friends

Obama Care for Fox News and Friends Not that they have any interest in reality at the moment. The Republicans have worked themselves into a frenzy that resembles the adolescent girls who accused the Salem townspeople of witchcraft at this point. This is how they look: Maybe it is time to take away the beer? […]

October 1st, A New Republican Proposal, and the Bad News Bears

October 1st, the country and government will once again be held captive by minority political interests seeking to force their will upon a country which did not endorse them or their beliefs in the last election. Radical House Republicans have come back with another proposal which seeks to delay the PPACA for one year, removes […]

Comment sections debate

LOL….  ah well, I hadn’t read the comment section of Kenneth Thomas’s and Maggie Mahar’s posts  before I put up the Popular Science post.     Lifted from comments. Hans September 25, 2013 12:00 am Anything is more affordable especially when someone picks up the tab.. I sorry Ms Mahar, but you are a dolt […]