Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Sunday Morning News Clips

Manual Transmission Foils Car Theft “A press release from the Nashville police department said they arrested two teenagers last Wednesday aftr they attempted to carjack two women that day and failed. The teens ultimately failed both times, with the second being because the car had a manual transmission. They had to run away on foot.” […]

“Paid Off” A Noir Style Game Show to Pay off Student Loans

I do not know what generation Maxwell Strahan of Huffpost is of; but if he is of the Millennials, he has it correct in his HuffPost article. . . “The Greatest “Crisis of My Generation is Now a Dystopian Show.” The crisis? Student Loan debt, the penalties associated with it, and the inability to declared […]

Why Do Elected Officials Fail to Heed the Constituents?

run75441: Student Loan Justice Organization has started a letter/email campaign to Senator Elizabeth Warren via one of her aides Joshua Delaney. I have read Senator Warren on numerous occasions and she has been forthright in her proposals and opposition to the Financial and Banking industry taking advantage of the Middle Class. For whatever reason, Senator […]

Accidentally Booked on Fox News

.@teambarbara's website says Congress should "abolish ICE and start fresh, building a new immigration enforcement system that is fair, just, compassionate and reflects the values of a nation of immigrants." She was accidentally booked for a Fox News interview this morning: — Matt Shuham (@mattshuham) July 23, 2018 Accidentally booked on Fox News as […]