Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Open Thread on Personal Stories of the Great Recession

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Naked Capitalism’s Open Thread on Personal Stories of the Great Recession Yves Smith opened a great comment thread on naked capitalism that anyone interested in the way this Great Recession has hit people across the US (and world) should read. It was triggered by the NBER analysis that the recession […]

Rare earth supply and trade implications

Dan here…Lifted with permission from an e-mail from Tim Worstall, an expert in rare earth issues and resources, in response to my sending him the NYT article suggesting China was using rare earth resources as both a trade issue (notice NYT suggestion the pass on processed product versus raw material export)) and political leverage with […]

Dr. Lawrence H. Summers to leave WH

The NYT reports that Dr. Lawrence H. Summers, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, announced his plans to return to his position as University Professor at Harvard University at the end of the year. Dr. Summers is the chief White House advisor to the President on the […]

there’s a simple way to curb borrowing: Let the tax cuts expire for everyone

Lori Montgomery in the Washington Post Fearing a soaring deficit, many analysts favor letting Bush tax cuts expire makes a slip in thought or typing, but I wonder if a lot of people might also use this shorthand sort of thinking in the tax cuts raise revenue tradition: …many economists and budget analysts say there’s […]

A cut in payroll taxes? Heck no.

Prof Barkley Rosser expresses irritation with suggestions of pay roll cuts as stimulus: In yesterday’s WaPo, accessible as one of Mark Thoma’s general links, , Nouriel Roubini sounded very reasonable for anyone addressing the utterly corrupt and degraded “catfish” deficit commission soldouts. He proposed a cut in payroll taxes, to be made revenue neutral […]

Corporate Tax Rates and Unemployment, A Correction

by Mike Kimel Corporate Tax Rates and Unemployment, A Correction Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. — I’m embarrassed. I messed up last week’s post which appeared at Angry Bear and on the Presimetrics blog. Essentially, I copied in some of the data on tax rates incorrect for three years in the late 1970s; the […]

Social Security benefits and maximum contribution base

originally posted at Calculated Riskre-posted with permission from the author Dan here…there might be a lot of noise about no increase due to cost of living adjustment (cola), but here is part one of three excellent posts on why it works this way for no inflation: Update: Updated links and formatting made 3:00 PM. Calculated […]

Part 2 on the 50% of our discretionary budget

The point of the first chart, I believe, is that as our navel power decreases Chinese navel power increases. But that aspect needs to be described carefully as the chart does not explain the differences in navies between the two countries. The point of the second chart is to demonstrate the conundrum of manpower expenses […]