Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.


by Dale Coberly HOW TO PAY FOR SOCIAL SECURITYBALANCE THE BUDGET CUT THE DEFICITand REDUCE THE NATIONAL DEBT Big Numbers and Mental Hygiene We have been treated recently to a great deal of hysteria about “the deficit” and the huge horrible Burden of Social Security, including the mysterious Trust Fund: is it real? or only […]

Inequality as a critical cause of the financial crisis?

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Inequality as a critical cause of the financial crisis? As readers know, Ataxingmatter is premised on a concept that I have called “democratic egalitarianism.” that This is the idea that sustainable democracy requires forces that push economic and other resources towards a more equal distribution rather than permitting resources to […]

Beale/ NYT room for debate…Extending the tax cuts for the wealthy

by Linda Bealecrossposted with Ataxingmatter Extending the tax cuts for the wealthy–the discussion continues The New York Times asked me for my views of Robert Samuelson’s recent argument in the Washington Post that extending the tax cuts for the wealthy made sense because they would otherwise cut back their spending, tax cuts for them will […]

Let’s be real folks..marginal tax cuts don’t motivate

From the LA Times op-ed page comes this piece by an entrepreneur: I’m a venture capitalist and an entrepreneur. Over the past three decades, I’ve made both good and bad investments. I’ve created successful companies and ones that didn’t do so well. Overall, I’m proud that my investments have created jobs and led to some […]

Drawdown of Brigade Combat Teams in Europe…

by reader Ilsm Consider GAO-100745R take on keeping 4 brigades home stationed in Germany and Italy: In the Quadrennial Defense Review released in Feb 2010, the US Army decided to reverse the drawdown of Brigade Combat Teams and retain 2 brigades to retain the current order of battle of 4 brigades home stationed in Germany […]