Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Paying better wages and profit sharing another way to success?

Higher Wages, Profit Sharing and Greater Flexibility Benefit All Employees — And the Company Bottom Line Too(link repaired) Costco is so certain that its policy is sound that it has kept paying better wages than rivals, even as Wall Street has pressured the company to conform to industry standards. As the economy slowly recovers, it’s […]

218 + 60 + 1….math of the budget deficit

To solve the deficit, the numbers add up – but not the votes Ezra Klein The sudden proliferation of deficit-reduction plans is a reminder that the deficit is, at its heart, a math problem. To get the budget into “primary balance” in 2015 – that’s wonk-speak for a balanced budget before interest payments, and it’s […]

Boomer life experience

EEOC offers this information: The Commission heard testimony from a number of experts on the impact of the economic crisis on older workers, the legal issues surrounding age discrimination today, and best practices to retain older workers. Dr. William Spriggs, Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, testified that the rate of unemployment for […]

A worthy debate

Econospeak’s Peter Dorman has an excellent debate going on with Sandwichman and cian, among others, about using GDP as a main measure of a healthy economy, the components of growing the economy, and the state of mainstream political economic discourse. We have touched on related issues on Angry Bear. Our own Rusty puts the question […]

Market Failure Cannot Be Resolved Without Regulation

Matthew Richardson, a professor at NYU Stern School of Business, offers his thoughts on risk management and the economy. Market Failure Cannot Be Resolved Without Regulation Matthew Richardson on November 23, 2010, 12:00 AM I am all for free markets and not mucking them up with government intervention. But the economic theory of regulation tells […]

Let Wal-Mart be a Bank

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Consumer Finance: Let Wal-Mart be a Bank One of the side effects of the “great recession” is damage to credit records and banking relationships for many people who get in financial trouble. Many of them will have trouble reestablishing banking relationship (that the banks caused the recession is irrelevant, of […]

WaPo (inaccurately?) reports "consensus forming" on deficit

by Linda Beale WaPo (inaccurately?) reports consensus forming on deficitcrossposted with Ataxingmatter The buildup in the corporate media supporting the corporatist wishlist on budgeting is growing.  First there was the clamor about the Bowles-Simpson road map to conquering the deficit–depicted as a reasonable, middle-of-the-road approach.  Bowles-Simpson is a neo-liberal/neo-conservative group of people with little understanding […]

Irish Bailout–impact on taxes uncertain

by Linda Beale Irish Bailout–impact on taxes uncertaincrossposted with Ataxingmatter As plans for the $100 billion bailout of the Irish economy and banking system by the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank continues, Ireland’s downtrodden prime minister (who will call elections after the budget is finalized) has said that it “will not” […]